[STKPWHRUFRPBLGTSDZ] the clerk will please call {a^} role to ascertain the presence of a quorum .
2 [paragraph] Councilor will LaMattina [-FPLTS] coupon Linehan - Councilor Linehan .
3 Councilor Linehan higher [paragraph] thank you [SKR*EFP] .
4 Mr. President Mr. President .
5 {^ive} the hon more and [PHREUFRLG] to presenting it to our colleagues .
6 [3] [1] years to have {a^} [PEUR] actual lead [TKER] of the Hindu fate .
7 So {im^} introducing pat that [SAEUPBG] [TKHOS] allot of work for the community .
8 She's actually prom guys at carbon any hospital and {&E.} [K-FPLT] go{.} technician by profession {,} but she's our [SPEUR] [TAOURL] lead [TKER] for the Hindu reeling real in the [SEUB] .
9 One of the thinks we're tempting to do before the close of the calendar year [15] {a^} respect taxable home to have {a^} Hindu temple in the [SEUB] {^s}{a^} well .
10 It's in that con Tex {^ive} invite .
11 Men deer of Boston .
12 Pad that [SAEUPBG] to offer our hinge vocation .
13 Thank you very much .
14 [STKPWHR-RPBLGTS] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] bill breadth is {a^} well known photographer for the Boston globe and each of you have either with you or have received {a^} {in^} [SKRAOEUBD] book of his moat {&e} mows recent photograph if I which {^ive} here {,} [PWOPS] ton ire [REURB] .
15 Its a his fist book that he has published .
16 Bill {,} why don't you come up here because mows of the content is right in the [PROBG] lamb makes .
17 And {^ive} {a^} copy of it so {im^} going to presents it to you .
18 .
19 IV you all know bill breadth .
20 You've seen him at .
21 I {e^} vents throughout you're political years and in you're {^tive} {^ism} or neighbor [HAOBS] presenting in photograph what we {^s}{a^} appeal are here in Boston .
22 So {^ed to} whereas the Boston sit city Councilor extends there thank you and con glad {^ulation} {^s} to bill breadth for his fifty years of commit .
23 And public {^ing} within the Boston globe .
24 Whereas {^us} [1-8] years old bill breadth start Ted {^s}{a^} apart time photographer at the globe capturing [TPOET] tows in his hometown of Boston mass build time has been filled with success and accomplish .
25 Doctoring his position {^s}{a^} chief photographer the globe team was nom [TPHAEUD] for the Paul Paul price in [SKWRAOURPB] {^ism} in [-78] and [-79] in dish to this success {under^} lead [TKER] ship is [2] pull pull price and awarded the Boston globe staff .
26 Bill became direct [TOFR] [TPOEUFR] if I until his retirement in [2] thousand [1] .
27 But bill has [TEUPBD] to publish on {a^} regular bases his photographer if I in the Boston globe .
28 Bill start Ted with the [PWHROEB] back in [1-9] six {^ity} five .
29 This {^mont} {,} January .
30 {^es} very {^tive} in journalism he publishes weekly the party lines {:} Boston only one familiarly .
31 I mentioned the five books .
32 Whereas bill has say I love with what I do and I love this city I feel that {^ive} affront row seat in history even {^s}{a^} I [PRAOE] certificate .
33 That history in Boston throughout my [TPOET] tows along with [KAPG] touring this history he has raced awareness and torsion {^s} to any organizations cross the sit it {^ity} .
34 And the Boston city Councilor witness witness {&c} and dedication .
35 [PW-PBS] [PW-PBS] [PW-PBS] .
36 And in this tick book Ed captured all of us at the inauguration in [20] [14] of the mayor and for there we're in to the Boston city Councilor .
37 So we're part of that history and I has done {a^} {ex-^} ordinary job and been {a^} breadth familiarly for nearly {^ly} my {in^} tire life .
38 So there tuberculosis {re^} sol {^s} [-FD] that's [PW-PBS] in meeting {a^} acceptable and does [WHOEPL] hardly grad late and thank bill [PWRETS] photographer if I and journalism and declared {^ed to} Wednesday Jahns [14] [20] [15] bill breadth day in the [SEUB] .
39 {?} {:} {:} [STKPWHR*FRPBLGS] I Brett breadth thank you very much {&E.} this is {a^} unusually spot for me to be since I photographed .
40 I people stand {^ing} here and never [THOUT] id a be here {^ed to} for me to accept season on bee half of my familiarly also .
41 Boston is {a^} great city {on^} {^ive} had {a^} opportunity to photograph every {^ry} part of this city and allot of people in this city and this lass book [THAEUF] done it's dedicate dead to my mother .
42 She's {a^} immigrant from [AOEURPBLD] and came to this country and raced the six of us and did {a^} wonderful job .
43 And in in this book there are .
44 Men that maid art{.} {im^} [KPWRAEUGS] laws are change {^ing} {^ed to} there are less and less ire [REURB] coming to the city and I feel that these men and women in this tick book are [TPHE] {&e} ready to have the infection group ever immigrant whatever wherever they're and [TOFPLT] people .
45 And it's {a^} honor for [PHAO*ER] me to do this book because I felt I was the person to do it [SEUPBLGSZ] id photographed so many of these people at my [TKPWHRAOEUR] wives second wives [TKPWEURLD] [TKPWREPBDZ] boyfriends I knew who was on first and it gave me opportunity to put this all together piece of history {^ing to} along with these other books that {^ive} done on people of Boston and for me it was {a^} honor and I hope {^ic} tin this important to another book on another group of people {^s}{a^} the city changes .
46 Thank I want to thank Billy and all the members of the Councilor and the people of the sit did I .
47 [THAEUPG] you very much .
48 [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] Bill Linehan thank {,}you bill for those kind words .
49 It's {a^} honor for all of us to recognize you're achievement and [KPHEULT] .
50 Of you're presentation to of cower great at this time {^ity} and not {^us} this about book but all of the five published books [THAUF] .
51 I would like to ask the Councilor members to come up and take {a^} group [TPOET] tow with bill breadth and {im^} glad that I was table to have the opportunity to give each one ever you the book Ang [PWEUPL] would come and join us and sign it on his fist yet and and in publishing in the [SEUB] .
52 [paragraph] at this time I'd like to invite Councilor Flaherty .
53 Councilor Florida Flaherty would like to make {a^} plenty {^tation} regarding [KR-FPLT] [W-FPLT] C.E. amount of {.}it [SR-FPLT] .
54 Span niche [PWROUD] Kass {^ing} in the [RAOEPBLG] John and Councilor Flaherty you've the floor [paragraph] thank {,}you [PHR-P] Mr. President .
55 {a^} high none [HOR] on bee half of all of us to pedestrian [TKROE] mick includes point ter loss I know {^s}{a^} Pete ter die - - consider distribution {^s} to our city the lass lass city in bot tons an city tower state and to our country and one of the con due its to that great work and success has been Pete ter [KWEUPBG] {ka^} so {im^} going to reed you {a^} few short reference {^s} here from the full tie .
56 .
57 Pine point ring syringe was [STAEBDZ] in [1-9] [-8] [-6] by pedestrian pedestrian flick quick first span span [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] {.}it [SR-FPLT] in mass choose .
58 [W-FPLT] C.E. {&E.} .
59 Very operate Ted station {?} knew knew .
60 The this channel celebrates the rich diversity and multi {^ling} [WAPL] content {&E.} {^ticity} advice cat [HREUS] for community service helping individuals and organizations pro mode [KHARL] taxable cause {^s} political participation and United Kingdom is [SES] full um [P-FPLTS] turn out on election day .
61 On January siblings of [2] thousand [15] [WEUPBT] [PEUPBT] syringe add [2] [2] sit 'tis to there [PWROUD] Kass year and Dover bell some {^ville} sill sail lake villain and others .
62 [3] hundred thousand knew house [HOEULDZ] .
63 This {ex-^} [PAOPBGS] will allow for [TKPRAEUT] they're .
64 [OFRDZ] by [W-FPLT] C.E. [AEUFPLT] {.}it [SR-FPLT] [WHRAUP] [WAEUPBG] Inc. gold of its fun to [TKPER] Pete quick quick and it's {a^} fill [TKWRAOEUTD] {inter^} spent produce terse .
65 City Councilor the residents of the [SEUB] for those that tune into our station {^s}{a^} well {^s}{a^} [KWEUPBG] [KWEUPBG] we offer our sincere - wish him the Bess [TEUPBDZ] success not {^us} him but for his own tire team for the [KR-RGS] {^s that} you lends to the dialogue and debate in the boss tons community lecture Tet .
66 Boston there own .
67 Thank {,}you and good bless .
68 [paragraph] [paragraph] [paragraph] well {,} first I would {^'} like to thank the Councilor and the [President|Pressley] for this great honor .
69 And it's not only to [WR-FPLT] consider {.}it amount of but [-FRB] that has worked with me doctoring the lass [2-6] [KWHRAOERPS] .
70 We'd the opportunity to bring to all {in^} [PEPBTS] [PRAOE] dues [TOERS] mine nor {^ity} [TKPWROUPS] and .
71 I of them {^-^} with me for over [20] years {^s that} away of expressing the work that we've done .
72 .
73 I of them are here and I want to thank them for that work .
74 If it was [-PBTS] for them {,} we wouldn't be here .
75 I also being here in city hall I want to thank mayor white .
76 He was the one that gave me the opportunity to be on cable vision tat and [SPEGS] {^ly} to mayor men men .
77 I think {^es} {^'s} calling me from up there .
78 So {^es} works {^s}{a^} we all know that was {a^} great mayor to the [SEUB] .
79 And it's important my work for work for .
80 I am I years .
81 To all the Councilor [SHRORS] .
82 I know mows of you {,} worked with you for .
83 I years .
84 {^ed to} {,} it's {a^} very [SPEGS] day for this honor to all of us but also because [-7] [3] years ago was the first time that I cried .
85 And {^icide} crying means living .
86 And .
87 I of us have for got ten that .
88 But [KWEPBG] I can vision has maintained that humanity .
89 And {^s that} [-LTS] the merge that Boston brought to .
90 I people and that's why {im^} so [PROUFD] being part of of this city .
91 What else can I tell you {?} crying is living .
92 And I wanna Ted to send {a^} message to the knew gov nor .
93 I don't know if you know what {im^} talking about {,} but hopeful {^ly} that feeling will be among us throughout the years .
94 We want to tin the work here .
95 We're building anew stud yo .
96 We're going to another it [2] communities and we need the help of all of you {,} and I want to thank every {^ry} one of you for the help you've given me throughout the years .
97 Thank [URGS] very much .
98 [paragraph] we're going to take {a^} group [TPOET] at the .
99 [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Flaherty and thank you Pete [TPER] for being here {^ed to} .
100 We rec need to people in Boston {^'s} history and the media of all thinks to our city and state .
101 Things that again .
102 [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] before I go on to the agenda .
103 I would like to recognize one other marry .
104 Today is Councilor [PHEURB] [PHEURB] {^'s} birthday .
105 [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [PWHRAEUS] in the office {^ed to} for first visit with the president president .
106 [paragraph] [linebreak] if there are know correction {^ing} to be maid to the minutes of lass weeks {^'} meeting they'll stand approved .
107 Seeing and hearings no objections the minutes ar so approved [paragraph] communications from hiss honor the mayor {,} madam clerk [paragraph] [0] [1] [-7] [0] {:} [PHOPBLG] authority {^ing} the [SEUB] to [SPHEULT] to the mass choose school building authority the mate prepared program for the following schools .
108 Young achieve verse signs animate [K-FPLT] threw [-8] {:} tech Boston academy .
109 Ellis school [K-FPLT] [K-FPLT] threw [-8] school .
110 Curly school and sum [SPHER] school .
111 The statements of interest {de^} [SKRAOEUBD] and explained the did I fish cease and pry or {^ity} cat core {^ry} for which the [SEUB] maybe invite Ted to applied to the mass choose school building authority in the [TPAOUT] .
112 [paragraph] docket [0] [1] [-7] [0] will be assigned to the committee on ways and means [paragraph] report ever public offers {^*ers} and others madam clerk .
113 [paragraph] you could reed docket [10] [1] [-7] [1] threw [0] [1] [-7] [-7] [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] witness clerk clerk change {,}you Mr. President Mr. President [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [STKPWHREUFRPBLGTSZ] filing [PWAOEUFT] [AUD] tinge for the .
114 Fiscal [20] [14] and report - [linebreak] - [1-7] [2] - communication from Councilor [TPRAEUPBG] bake that El not be {a^} in ten dense at the [PWOPBS] beet beet [TKPWAOET] [SPWAOET] [SPWAOET] [SPWAOET] [SPWAOET] {^ing} [SPWAOET] {^ing} [SPWAOET] {^ing} [SPWAOET] [SPWAOET] [PWOPBS] [PW-PBS] [PW-PBS] meet [0] [1] [4-7] [4-6789] notice was received from the mayor of the absence of his absence from the city {,} Wednesday January [-7] the from [-7] [20] amount of [PH-FPLT] until five [P-FPLT] [PH-FPLT] {:} [paragraph] docket [40] [1] [-7] [3-6] {&a} .
115 Six of the ordinances of the [1-9] [-79] regarding axe take {en^} by the mayor on paper {^%} act Ted upon by the city Councilor at its meeting of December third [20] [14] [paragraph] docket [0] [1] [-7] [4] .
116 Notice was received from the city clerk in [AORD] {^ance} of chapter six of the ordinances of [1-9] [-79] regards {^ing} axe take {en^} by the mayor .
117 Act Ted upon by the city Councilor at its meeting of December tent {,} [20] [14] and docket number [0] [1] [-7] [-7] notice was received from the .
118 Chapter six of the ordinance {^ness} of [1-9] [-79] regarding axe take {en^} by the mayor on ap paper {^%} act Ted upon by the city Councilor at it meets of {^ing} of December [1-7] .
119 [20] [14] [paragraph] docket [0] [1] [-7] [1] threw [0] [1] [-7] [-7] will be placed on file [paragraph] [PHAEURS] recently heard [linebreak] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] from the .
120 [KPHAOEUPB] - [TOFRPLTS] cry {^ation} .
121 [TOFPLT] Boston [P-FRPLTS] deliver {^ry} team over appeared of [3] years .
122 [paragraph] [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [S-FRPBLGTS] [STKPWHR-FRPLTS] [STKPHR-FRPLTS] [paragraph] chair reek [TPHEUS] {^is} the chair confident committee on economic development and planning Ang labor Councilor LaMattina [paragraph] thank [THAURBGS] Mr. President Mr. President .
123 On January Monday January [12] we'd {a^} hearing dock docks [0] [1] [1] [-8] - at that meeting was Chris [AOS] good and Michelle [KWRAEUBG] cons knew you're ban mech can nix {^age} deaf von quirk department of neighborhood development .
124 Over dew view of the mission and purposes and intent of the grant .
125 Provides opportunities for national and {inter^} [TPHAGTS] {^inal} sit 'tis - teams to work and address and deliver change and Moore effect {^ive} {^ly} to its citizens so [12] sit 'tis in the United States in the grant and [2] sit 'tis in {^is} rail .
126 This [1] point [3] million{}dollars grants first ever its kind it's [3] year grant that we youse to create the Boston pin serration lab .
127 Invasion deliver {^ry} team there study {a^} [SUGTD] propose Sal to help {re^} [SRAEUT] fifty [3] thousand knew housing you know knits call for by the mayor by the ends of the year [20] [30] .
128 They'll be response {^ible} for public and private relationships such {^s}{a^} architects educate Ted [TORS] develop {^%} and Jen public and process to design data program - facing our sit city .
129 - the grant will allow the invasion team to bring know Moore than [3-7B] {a^} half additional staff program imagine {er^} [2] year long fell [HRERS] and part [TPHAOEUP] rye certificate .
130 Director .
131 Bess to tackle the {^ish} shoes of the anticipate Ted population grows [TKPWROET] and the change in our he housing for our elderly {^ly} and workforce .
132 Salary and second half will be youse {^ed} for the needs of the lab .
133 There year this city built [4] thousand you know knits of housing [STKWHRUS] year {,} and so there goal will come up with solution {^s} to build {a^} forward [TKPABL] housing in the [SEUB] and I recommends that this mesh sure out to pass .
134 Thank you .
135 [STKPWHRAEFRPBLGTS] thank {,}you Councilor LaMattina .
136 Councilor LaMattina [PHAOFRS] accept answer of the committee report and package of docket [0] [1] [1] [-8] .
137 All in favor say Aye .
138 Ayes have it and docket [0] [1] [1] [-8] has passed [paragraph] madam clerk [paragraph] dock [0] [1] [1] [-7] [-FPLTS] [PHOPBLG] to accept the provisions of the [3] [2] about{.} within the [SEUB] {a^} writ {en^} agreement with the public [HROEU] pee committee be barring {^ening} representative for the coalition for public employ {e^} barring {^ening} you know knits and retire Reese of the [SEUB] .
139 [paragraph] chair ways and means Councilor [STAOEUT] same similar [paragraph] thank {,}you Mr. President Mr. President .
140 Committee held its hearing on Monday {,} January [12] {.}it if people remember [4] years ago the city accepted the provisions of [SKWRAS] men {&e} Jen law chapter [3] [2] about{.} section [1-9] authority {^ing} {a^} public employ {e^} committee to neglect [OERB] {^iate} [HELT] insure for city employees and retire Reese .
141 Public employment experience on June [309] [20] [15] so the mayor [SPOPBSDZ] to this dock [KET] in order to extend its authority to June [309] [20] [20] .
142 Paul cur ran director of office and labor relations .
143 Tina wells office of human man {re^} source {^s} Mike [-L] preliminary and [HREUS] {^s}{a^} at the office of budget imagine .
144 Testified for the add [PH-RGS] and snort of this dock [KET] suggested it that's city should approve {a^} {ex-^} [TPEPBGS] Moore time to deliberate and neglect [OERB] {^iate} with provide [TKERS] .
145 They actually have {a^} ten {^tive} agreement real [HREUS] [45] million{}dollars [SAEUFPGS] over the infection five years by dealing with {co-^} pace .
146 Basic plan design and also to put out for [R-FPLT] [TP-FPLT] [P-FPLT] to provide [TKERS] they hope will also drive down some of the does .
147 Our lass agreement commission produced {a^} estimate Ted [59] million{}dollars savings while slowing the [TKPWROET] of premium does to [3] point [4] {^%} {:} the wanna nel estimate Ted that this [45] million{}dollars does and Stan {^sation} of [PHROFRDZ] plans alone .
148 Secure additional [HELT] insurance savings by making struck oo {^ural} changes that cut cost items without producing the quality of [SOFRDZ] care ten {^tive} agreement with the public employ essential committee [WEUS] maid up of ten {^%} retire Reese and then {a^} representative group of labor unions .
149 So {im^} here to recommends that we pass and giver the pub public commission {a^} chance to tin there neglect [OERB] {^iation} {^s} .
150 [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Ciommo .
151 Councilor Ciommo [PHAOFS] acceptance of the committee report and package ever docket [0] [1-7] [1] [-7] - all in favor say Aye .
152 All opposed nay .
153 Ayes have it {^ant} docket [0] [1] [1] [-7] has been passed .
154 [paragraph] madam mad clerk Councilor Yancy has ask for reconsideration on marry [0] [1] [-7] [1-7] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSDZ] thank {,}you very much .
155 Mr. President Mr. President this communication is the audit for physical {^ial} year [2] thousand [14] will be apart of my [TPAOEURPBL] report on the pose audit committee reviewing [20] [14] and ask my colleagues to take that time to review that [TKOUPLT] {a^} great deal of activity for the city government for fiscal year [20] [14] I'd like to have the marry referred to the excite tee on pose audit and over tight {&i} sight and I'd like {a^} second for that .
156 [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Yancy {:} we need {a^} second to [PHAOF] the marry .
157 [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] already - - {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] to the committee on pose audit and over sight .
158 [paragraph] Councilor {im^} Councilor Jackson to aim tow in after role .
159 [paragraph] [paragraph] please recognize him and record that .
160 [paragraph] [THAEUFPBG] {,}you [paragraph] motions orders and resolutions {,} mister {^ped} madam clerk {:} [STKPWHR-RPBLGTS] Councilor number [0] [1-78] Councilor McCarthy [OFRDZ] the following order for {a^} here collects proceedings - Councilor McCarthy on docket [0] [1] [-78] [-FRPBLGTSZ] [paragraph] McCarthy mick thank you very much Mr. President Mr. President this is {a^} {re^} file from lass year again concerns that people [ARPBT] aware that they've {a^} bill and don't we penal {^alize} them down the rode .
161 I gave my speech lass time .
162 Ill {^us} have it at the hearings .
163 Things that .
164 - [paragraph] well {,} thank you for that Councilor docket [0] [1-8] assigned to the committee on Ways and Means [-FPLTS] [linebreak] [078] [1] [-79] Councilor Flaherty and Murphy [OFRDZ] the following order hearing regarding school safety {^ity} and the cop sing [1-9] [1] tech normal I go cher mayor [paragraph] [STKPWHR-FRPLTS] Flaherty this is {a^} {re^} file on bee half of Councilor Murphy and I {a^} excite Ted to be the at state of the [STEUT] city [AFRPLTS] results and invasion .
165 This cop sing [-9] [1] [1] fits right into that and I look forward to having {a^} {ex-^} indict Ted hearing to work with our school department [AEPTSD] [TP-RGS] make this {re^} {^ality} for residents particularly our school children who had time to leaf [SAUFP] situation are mows [SRUL] [TPHABL] along with teach {er^} and profession [TPHALS] that educate our children .
166 Thank you {,} Mr. President Mr. President .
167 [paragraph] [STKPWHR-FRPLTS] Ciommo docket [0] [1] [-79] pub public safety {^ity} .
168 [linebreak] [TK-FRPLGTSZ] [TKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] other transport trial rights [STAOEUT] [STHEUT] [TOEUPLTS] [-PBL] that [EUFPLTS] [SHAORPLTS] [SHAPLS] [STHAOEUP] coin up [TOUPLTS] [TRAORPBTS] [STHAOEP] [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [paragraph] schism similar chair recognize {^s in} Councilor bill Linehan [paragraph] Linehan thank you {,} [PHR-P] vice president vice president .
169 This matter is about looking at our rules {^s}{a^} we approve them back in January of [20] [14] and they're the rules are for {a^} [2] year period and therefore any changes to that rule or any rules would need {a^} it [THEURDZ] vote of the Councilor so what {im^} proposing here is that we of this matter assign {^ed} to rules so we've {a^} opportunity to speak on [SPES] {^iffic} {^ly} the creation of {a^} [SPEGS] committee to examine the status of black lat Tino men and boys in the [SEUB] .
170 Also to create {a^} [SPEGS] committee on the [20] [24] policewomen [SPEUBGS] .
171 And those are [2] changes .
172 Also there has never been {a^} defined pattern on labels of table lynx we've differences of opinion and we're not near rob [PWERTS] rules and we would like to discuss and final lice when matters are tabled {,} that process {,} on so we'll put it in {a^} rule unless you ask for suss suspension .
173 Also .
174 We were you know [TPHAOEBG] in of this lass calendar year under summons {^ing} and subpoena {^ing} folks to the chamber snow discussion of thousand that works I [THOUT] it Bess to come up with some rules or apply book on how we do that in the [TPAOUT] and have discussion {^s} on that tick marry .
175 Those are the matters that I came for the with .
176 {im^} hoping that's rules chair will have {a^} {ex-^} Pete dead meeting so that by infection meeting we'll have ability to [SROEBGT] on this and get rolling on our [20] [15] calendar .
177 In hind side I probably would have collude limb tinge the amount of matters that week place on {a^} dock [KET] at any one time by any one Councilor legislator in {a^} meeting .
178 That's [2-8] .
179 That's the sort of dialogue and that's what we're talking about {,} and I would ask the chair to place it in the appeal committee and ask for {a^} hearing quickly .
180 [linebreak] [STKPWHR-P] thank you {,}you Mr. President Mr. President .
181 I want to rule changes .
182 {^s}{a^} I understand the public meeting laws structure the open meeting law structure we've {a^} [4-8] hour window so in [4-8] hours and [15] minutes the committee to on rules and add [PH-RGS] will meet to take {^us} up docket number [0] [1] [-8] [06789] our staff Councilor is preparing that [TKOUPLGS] {^s}{a^} we speak so it'll be fry fry at [1] owe cloak the rules committee will meet on these changes .
183 Thank {,}you every {^ry} one and every {^ry} one involved .
184 [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] Flaherty I {^us} rise to offer {a^} comment no terms of the steak [SPEGS] commit tease [-FPLTS] some may remember several years ago When we create Ted the [SPEGS] committee on pile pile {re^} form the previous add [PH-RGS] had so many years to deal with pilot making know strides .
185 It [WAEPBTS] until this body maid the [SPEGS] committee {:} Councilor Murphy to chair that and as a result of which we'd meaningful change {,} knew direction in terms of how we were going to deal with that issue and as a result it has been {a^} winds fall fortress departments of the [SEUB] write in term helped us [TRAOEPL] did I particularly doctoring the [SOUF] time [STREPBT] of this body create {^ing} [SPEGS] committee so et cetera {^'} my hope that after hearing the rules we'll have {a^} vote on that Councilor [2] [THEURDZ] in you know you know vote that'll recognize the value and [STREPBT] of our role and can't be {a^} leading debate and discussion issue such {^s}{a^} the one that our colleague Tito Jackson [TPORPBLGD] {a^} [KPHEUGTS] [ARPBDZ] black and lat lat boys and the [HRAOPBLG] issue with the [20] [24] Olympics .
186 [paragraph] Councilor Jackson .
187 [paragraph] thank {,}you very much .
188 Mr. President Mr. President .
189 I want to thank you for you're lead [TKER] slip in {re^} create {^ing} these [2] commit tease .
190 I think they're boat very timely .
191 .
192 Announce .
193 Of the Olympics in the [SEUB] is great honor but something that should be vet Ted and devil {^ly} vet Ted by this body and I think that's I have important .
194 I also want to acknowledge that again {^s}{a^} I note Ted when we first brought up the subjects of black and lat Tino men Ann boys in the [SEUB] we actually did that and I want to note that we did it before the in addition that{.} conversation actually even began .
195 And tat we spoke about this Councilor {^s}{a^} we so off ten [TKPO] leading and not following on these {^ish} shoes [-FPLTS] this [SPEGS] committee will give us {a^} opportunity to do that in the [SEUB] .
196 {a^} very pertinent issue and also at {a^} very pertinent time in the [SEUB] {^ity} than we did the year before .
197 This morning I went to {a^} funeral of {a^} young man {,} mister did I society tow {,} who renal {^ly} loss his life in my strict .
198 It's {a^} urge {ante^} marry and [EURPBLGT] {^ent} issue and we don't neat to deal of {^ish} shoes of young men and boys but adult {^ish} shoes ever grown men and {^ish} shoes they face on {a^} regular bases .
199 It's hard [TKER] success rate is going to be lower by dealing with Al [TKULTS] but pure [TPHROURPL] [SKPWRORBL] and the was [-PBTS] to do ease sigh work and the {reen^} why people sent us here [TWAOS] do the diff and hard and Hef I have lifted {^ing it} that we muss do to make the [SEUB] [PWER] .
200 Change and really looking forward to the [TPAOUT] of the [SEUB] .
201 Thank you {,} very much .
202 [paragraph] Councilor Yancy {:} thank you {,} [SPHR-PT] Mr. President .
203 Thank you are offering these rules [KHRAEUPBGS] and I rise to also thank Councilor O'Malley for the {in^} {^ish} {^tive} he took around the issue of the [20] [14] {&h} [24] Olympics in the [SEUB] .
204 And I think it's important to for us to establish is that [SPEGS] committee and again thank you for offering this .
205 [paragraph] thank you {,} Councilor Yancy - docket [0] [1] [-8] [0] assigned to the commit though on rules and add [PH-RGS] .
206 [linebreak] [0] [1] [1-8] Councilor Yancy hearing regarding emergency gas Val have shut off .
207 [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] {im^} not going to [STPAOEBG] on these [2-8] matters mesh [SPHAOUR] {fore^} you {,} Mr. President Mr. President .
208 But these are with [2] or [3] exception {^s} these are {re^} files .
209 {im^} sorry that Councilor Flaherty is not in the chamber right now because this issue of gas [SRALS] {^s of} not being accessible in case of emergency was {in^} {^ish} {^ly} filed by him .
210 I [PWHRAOEUF] it was [2] thousand [-9] or maybe {a^} little earlier .
211 I think it's important to look at it because we've discovered .
212 I instance {^s} that streets have actually paved over access to these emergency gas valves so {im^} looking forward to final [4R50EUD] {&u} {^alize} {^ing} {a^} hearing on that to Sr. see where we stand if it's okay with you .
213 Ill ask the clerk to reed straight threw at lease the tight else of [AOEUFP] of thighs orders and {after^} that's done ill speak on some of [THEPLS] [SKHREBGT] live {^ly} lass year [140E6Z] [UFRL] {^ly} we were not able to get to all the [AOEULT] [TEUPLSZ] .
214 The only {^ite} Thames which are not rye [STPRAOEULS] {,} if I may .
215 We're going to reed them .
216 They're [SWHAUP] [TKPWROUPS] by assign .
217 Where we assign them .
218 The first group is heading for one tick committee so we'll reed them all and we'll [KPHEPBTD] on them .
219 [paragraph] madam clerk [KHRERBGTS] .
220 Docket [0] [1] [2-8] [2] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following order Yancy code chapter [4] {,} mine mine bis women business {inter^} [PREUS] .
221 Docket in{.} Councilor [OPBD] the [TPORLG] ordinance [KR-FPLT] B.C. [-6] -- elderly {^ly} property tax {ex-^} [EPBLGTS] .
222 [0] [1] [-8] [4] {:} Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following order Yancy main dating youse of order fib late [TORS] in Boston please vehicles [-9] [1] [1] calls in the [SEUB] .
223 Docket number [0] [1] [-8] five Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following ordinance amending [KR-FPLT] #M{.} .
224 {a^} [PWARPBT] paid parental leaf .
225 Following order [THAEUPBS] {^es} school bus bus ton {a^} seat bells [TOPLT] [SKAOPL] pause because [-FPLTS] [linebreak] Councilor yap Yancy [OFRDZ] [-TDZ] following order [TKWRARPBS] increasing safety {^ity} of substitute departments and school bus us - bus monitors and school buses and bock bock number [0] [1] [-8] [-8] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following ordinance calling for the man dor {^ry} youse of go{.} [P-FPLT] [SAFPLT] neck neck in in the [SEUB] .
226 [linebreak] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] I was remiss and did not assign [0] [1] [-8] [1] to committee and that would go to the committee on sit [TKEUT] neighborhood services and vet vet affairs .
227 .
228 [paragraph] Councilor Yancy you've the floor .
229 [paragraph] very briefly Mr. President Mr. President this body and all prior [PHAEURS] have chance to see the allocation of [K-RTS] and {re^} source {^s} .
230 This ordinance was create Ted to facilitate that process .
231 Add {^us} .
232 To sum of the numbers .
233 I know there are while [EUB] [AOEG] go issue involved with this {^s}{a^} well {:} {ex-^} indict [TAOED] hearing [OPBTS] effort to increase the amount of businesses of women and people of color participate with city government .
234 Infection one has to do with the order Yancy of the concerning elderly {^ly} property tax and exemption [APBLGS] {a^} {re^} minder {,} {^ed to} any senior citizen since {im^} now [-6] [-6] I celebrate Ted my birthday {a^} come of weeks ago I guess {im^} [K-RDZ] {a^} elderly {^ly} taxpayer in Boston but when I [-L] filed this I was {a^} young man so this issue of {a^} [O*UL] allowing our seen seen sit its sits to have there exemption aught mat {^ly} {re^} filed rather than force {^ing} them to do the paper per work year and after year after year if they miss filing of there exemption {re^} request they can loose thousand sands ever dollars in terms of {ex-^} [EPBLGTS] .
235 The infection {^ite} Thames has {^s to} do with automatic did I fib late [TORS] about [4] years ago the [PHROFRS] actually [SAEUFD] alive of {a^} infant that was followed in involved in {a^} shooting but if that moreover was not there Tet when we would have loss that little boy .
236 That reminds me of the need [TOFP] these {de^} fib late [TOERS] on these please vehicles but very off ten someone to could be suffering {a^} cardiac ar and safety {^ity} vehicle should actually be {a^} please vehicle so this would facile state the please departments {^'} ability to safe lives .
237 Infection {^ite} Thames has to do with paid parental [HRAOEFL] .
238 In [1-9] [-8] [4] ordinance [HROUG] parents to take upwards of [3] days per year to visit there children in school doctoring school hours without being penal {^alized} by there employ ear public or private .
239 What is proposed here is to add {a^} benefit to city employees to allow them paid time off to participate in school activities with there children .
240 In the pass the brief mayor did offer paid leaves {&e} lever of parents ever school children for purposes of registration [TERG] one and {a^} half days this double that to [3] days for whatever persistence [*R] purposes {a^} parents has to visit {a^} child doctoring school hours .
241 The infection item is obviously {&e} observe {extra^} it's {a^} call for seat belts on school [PWULS] {^s} but I think it's somewhat eye roar nick that's only American who has access usually the only adult on the bus and we do have .
242 I case {^s} where our children are not seat Ted so the whole theory of supposition is hard to {em^} accomplishment injures result doctoring accidents or {a^} incident and on {a^} average we've {a^} accident slash I said departments [SROLG] school buses every {^ry} day .
243 Mows of them {,} thank god {,} are mine nor but mows also result in injures of our children which would not happen if they had our seat belts - school buses .
244 .
245 I of our children need another adult on the bus not only for discipline nar {^ry} Reese sons Mr. President Mr. President but also it's {a^} fact that our children have medical merge cease on buses {^s}{a^} well and I don't think it's fair to ask the school bus driver maintain the control of sometimes [-6] fiver children without the assistance of another something of school bus monitors .
246 And the infection {^ite} Thames concerning {&g-} [P-FPLT] {.}is tech normal I go .
247 This has actually been {im^} accomplishment Ted on mows emergency vehicles on {a^} volume tar {^ry} bases .
248 You some of our please [PHRAOEBGS] do not have go{.} .
250 Please vehicles {:} please vehicles {:} {:} an a and I belief those are the only once red so far .
251 Excuse me {,} Mr. President Mr. President .
252 I invite my colleagues to sign on any of these orders {^s}{a^} they did lass year .
253 I did not want to presume that's same once would sign on this year so provide this opportunity .
254 [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina .
255 I take it opportunity to commends the make [KERS] and ask that my name be added to [0] [1] [-8] [3] [paragraph] [paragraph] [0] [1] [-8] [3-8] {,} [-8] [4] {,} [-8] [-6] {,} [-8] [-7] .
256 [paragraph] please add Councilor LaMattina {^'} name to those [STKPWHR-FRPLTS] Councilor O'Malley .
257 [paragraph] thank {,}you Mr. President [PHR-PLT] .
258 I do rise to commend the make ker for his tire less work and add [SK-FRPLTS] [paragraph] [0] [1] [-8] [3] .
259 [-8] five and [-8] [-7] .
260 [linebreak] [STKPWHRO*FRPBLGS] [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] Councilor McCarthy .
261 [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] Murphy [-FRPBLGTSZ] thank {,}you Mr. President Mr. President .
262 I'd like to also [KPHEUPBDZ] Councilor Yancy for his filing of these various orders and add my name to [0] [-8] [3] {,} [-8] [4] {,} and [-8] [-8] [linebreak] [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Murphy .
263 Councilor [President|Pressley] .
264 [President|Pressley] press still tabulating here .
265 Thank {,}you [PHR-P] Mr. President .
266 I also rise to commends the make make [-8] [2] .
267 [-8] [3] .
268 [-8] five [-8] [-7] [linebreak] [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] Jackson .
269 Mr. President Mr. President .
270 Where did we stop .
271 [paragraph] we stopped at [-8] [-8] .
272 All these matters are order [TPHRAPBS] {^s} and heading to government operation {^is} .
273 [paragraph] I'd like to Jackson Jackson jack also [ABG] [STKPHROPBLG] the make ter an [0] [-8] [2] .
274 [-8] [3] .
275 [-8] [4] .
276 [-8] [-7] .
277 [linebreak] [-8] [1-8] - [-8] [3] .
278 [-8] [4] {:} [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] [paragraph] [TPHRA*R] Flaherty .
279 [-8] [1] .
280 [-8] [3] and [-8] [4] .
281 [paragraph] [paragraph] [paragraph] Councilor Wu [-FRPBLGTSZ] coup thank {,}you Councilor men newer to choose [TR-PL] .
282 [0] [-8] [2] .
283 [-8] [3-6789] [-8] five [-8] [-8] .
285 Councilor Yancy [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [paragraph] [paragraph] McCarthy mick public [-8] [3] .
286 [-8] [4] .
287 [-8] five .
288 [linebreak] [linebreak] Ciommo [SEUPLTD] .
289 Please add my name to [-8] [4] {,} [-8] [1] {:} .
290 {:} {:} {:} [paragraph] [paragraph] so docket [0] [1-8] [-8] [2] threw [0] [1] [-8] [-8] will be assigned to the committee on government operations .
291 {!} [STKPWR-RPBLGTS] [paragraph] I think it'll be easier for all Councilor members members if you reed the {^ress} - - [paragraph] docket [0] [1-89] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following order for communities [HELT] [EUFRPLTS] [PRAEURBLGS] {dis^} par 'tis and pub public [HELT] in commission {^is} {dis^} parse sis [PRAPBLG] project [paragraph] docket [0] [1] [09] [06789] [-FPLTS] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following order hearing to discuss [POF] verity unemployment in the [SEUB] .
292 [paragraph] dock number [0] [1] [-9] [1] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following order for {a^} hearing to discuss home less necessary among after can American [SRETS] .
293 [paragraph] Councilor Yancy [KWRAPBLS] [OFRDZ] the following order for hearing regarding racial {dis^} par 'tis in Boston .
294 [paragraph] [0] [1] [-9] [3] - regards {^ing} Boston disable television rates - [linebreak] docket number [0] [1] [-9] [4] .
295 Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following steps being contain {en^} to remedies and reducing automobile accidents in the [SEUB] .
296 [paragraph] do you mean Councilor Yancy [paragraph] giver {a^} opportunity for Councilor [KOUPBS] to assign on and Venn then ill assign them to committee [paragraph] do you mean do you mean number [0] [1] [-9] [4] five {&I.} following order regarding the {in^} [STPHAEUPLT] of speed [TKUPLS] [-PLS] .
297 [1-9] [-6] [-FPLTS] okay{.} fords for [ERPL] investigate means ever [PRAOE] [STEBGT] {^ing} residents from similar card Ra fraud .
298 Do you mean [0] [1-79] following record hearing for location of cab stands {:} [TKOUPLT] [10] [-9] [-8] following order for hearing regarding sell phone tower place .
299 [-6789S] [0] [1-9] [-9] [-9] following order for {a^} hearing to review the fiscal year [20] [15] budget .
300 [paragraph] dock number [0] [2] [0] [0] .
301 Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following {re^} [HRAOUGS] that's [SEUB] -- should I skip that one .
302 Skip that'll [paragraph] you do down [0] [2] [0] [1] .
303 [TPORLG] ford for hearing [PEFRPLTS] cash cash Monday poise poise [-FPLTS] dock [-FRPBLTS] mo [40] [2] [0] [2] [-FRPLTSZ] following order for hearing to { }{-|} the [STAS] [TKUS] of {ex-^} - expansion [PWORTS] - dog dog [0] [2] [0] [3] [-FPLTS] {re^} [-RD] Ra {^ing} Boston [POUS] {^ing} authorities trash {re^} cycling policy .
304 Docket number [0] [2] [0] [4] following order for {a^} hearing to setting safety {^ity} San [STKARPBDZ] on floor stands ago in the implement .
305 [0] [2] [0] [5] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following orders to for {a^} hearing to discuss state of emergency regarding the [H-FPLT] [SR-FPLT] {&I.} investment [PEPS] especially in communities of color in [PWOPBS] [TOFPLT] [0] [2] [0] [06] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following order to discuss the {re^} source us available to individuals with [STKEUBG] [-L] sell {dis^} cease .
306 Docket number [0] [2] [0] [-7] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following order to investigate social [SKEUR] advice {^s} available victims of community vile vile {&I.} [0] [2] [0] [-8] [-FRPL] following order for hearing to investigate the sit 'tis lack of table Kass {^ing} about in Boston city Councilor affairs .
307 Docket number [0] [2] [0] [-9] Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following order mandating place .
308 Of fung {^ening} external defibrillate [TORS] in public buildings in Boston .
309 [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] [paragraph] Councilor Yancy you've the [PHRAOR] {:} [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] thank you {,} [SREFRP] .
310 Mr. President Mr. President .
311 There are {a^} number of orders here looking at the [SHAOEURB] shoes of {^dition} par 'tis in the [SEUB] .
312 [0] [1] [-89] issue of public [HELT] commission .
313 The disparity project .
314 [0] [1] [-9] [0] .
315 Looks at [POF] [POF] and unemployment in the [SEUB] .
316 Examine [-PLTD] [SR-Z] additional have [TPHOTSDZ] [-PLTD] [PHOEPL] less necessary of home less veterans .
317 .
318 Obviously {^ly} {im^} concerned about home necessary less regarding all of our veterans but its [AETS] been brought to my attention over the years that {re^} source {^s} for after can American veterans have been lacking .
319 [0] [1] [-9] [2] racial {dis^} par 'tis in Boston deals not only with the economic {dis^} par 'tis but others {^s}{a^} well .
320 [0] [1] [-9] [3] has to do with the escalating cable rates in the [SEUB] .
321 I'd like to bring come Kass before this body to explain why cable rights are becoming very diff for people to {a^} forward .
322 [0] [1] [-9] [4] has to do with how we're regulating our streets and did I decreasing the likelihood of automobile [STKPEPBTS] suffers higher rates of accidents than others .
323 [0] [1] [-9] five deals with the con [TROE] version issue of speed bum ups and relate Ted [TRAFPL] [TRAFPG] [KAUPBLG] efforts .
324 [0] [1] [-9] [-6] deals with the fact that .
325 I people when they loose there sell phones they loose allot of valuable information so we [KWAEPBT] to make sure the city is dog what it [KABG] to provide slits recovers loss of telephones Moore importantly to recover from the {in^} formation that maybe in the hands of {un^} [SKROUP] [HRUS] [SREUTS] .
326 [0] [-9] [-7] [WEURBTS] about the location of the cab [STAPBTSDZ] even with the add [SREPBTD] ever you're ba we still have issue [STPHROLG] tax I can stands place .
327 .
328 [0] [1-9] [-8] has to Bo with the pro liberation every sell phone [TPOURPS] .
329 - have in the [SEUB] .
330 Not {^us} for at [THES] .
331 Examine the [HELT] implication {^s} of proximity to these tell [STOURS] .
332 [0] [1] [-9] [-9] is anew order for {a^} hearing north [KURPBTS] fiscal year .
333 And [0] [2-9] [*R] we did not deal with the resolution [TPOFPLT] [0] [2] [0] [1] has to do with probably I would face literal {^ly} doctoring every major snowstorm some of our residents suffer injure or worse because of the cash cash Monday built up in our vehicle and we wants to alert the to those in tish major bliss [ARDZ] in the [SEUB] .
334 And [0] [2] [0] [2] .
335 Institution {^inal} expansion bored .
336 We've .
337 I hospitals and other institution {^s} collude {^ing} [KWRAOUPBS] [KWRAOUPBS] thar {ex-^} [PAEPBDZ] {^ing} and we want to make sure that's institution expansion abort is [PWRAEUT] {^ing} and sensitive to the needs of the residents ever Boston .
338 [0] [2] [0] [3] has to do with {re^} cycling of public housing authority .
339 [0] [2] [0] [4] deals with the problem that we suffered .
340 I years ago when fires were actually start Ted and [HELT] {^ish} shoes impact Ted workers stands {^ing} floors and {re^} finishing wood in the [SEUB] .
341 [0] [2] [0] five is {a^} {re^} examination of the safe emergency {in^} niche rate Ted and passed by this body .
342 We wants to take {a^} review of how effect {^ive} that bored is .
343 [0] [2] [0] [-6] has to do with the fact that cycle sell guys cease facing additional on tackles because of lack of sensitivity on the part of .
344 I individuals in the public particularly with regards to our schools .
345 Temperature in the room can be {a^} trigger for {a^} major episode for {a^} [PERB] [SUFRDZ] from sick sell for example .
346 [0] [2] [0] [-7] is {a^} rehearing concerning services available to victims of vile lens .
347 [0] [2] [0] [-8] {,} has to do with the fact that even {^ed to} .
348 Working people work nine to five jobs neck not view {^.^} city Councilor on cable unless they go on line {:} {,} {,} {,} {,} {,} {,} is city Councilor {,} {,} {,} {,} {,} {,} .
349 [linebreak] ill stop there {,} Mr. President Mr. President .
350 Until you tin with [paragraph] Linehan thank {,}you Councilor Yancy prior to giving {a^} folks - ask folks if they wanna Ted to sign on and give me the numbers is would be easier for the clerk to excuse records {^ing} this .
351 Councilor Ciommo .
352 Would you like to sign on to any of those matters .
353 [0] [1] [-9] [3] .
354 [0] [2] hundred .
355 And [0] [2] [0] [2] [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [paragraph] please add Councilor Ciommo {^'} name to [3-9] [3] and [0] 200 [linebreak] [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [2-7] [0R78] [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] Jackson [0] [1-9] [1] .
356 [-9] [2] .
357 [-9] [3] .
358 [-9] five .
359 [linebreak] LaMattina .
360 [-89] [3] .
361 [-9] five .
362 [2] [0] [3] .
363 [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] McCarthy {:} [0] [1] [-9] [3] {,} [-9] five {,} [2078] [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] [paragraph] [3-9] [3] - [-9] [-6] [-FRPLTSZ] [-9] [-7] {:} [-9] [-8] {:} [0] [2] .
364 [0] [-7] .
365 [STKPWHR*FRPBLGS] [paragraph] {/} O'Malley owe [-9] [3] {,} [-9] [4] {,} [-9] five .
366 [0] [2] [0] [3] .
367 [0] [2] [0] [-7] .
368 [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] [paragraph] Councilor O'Malley UV the floor particularly [0] [1] [-9] five {^s}{?} regarding [SPAOET] dumping him [SAR] order on knew traveling cadge mesh [SHAOURS] rather than {re^} filing I'd like to add my name to this and ask the response sore other ways to look at controlling [SPAO*ET] speed bumps don't work in all nine hats {:} race knew tack tech and [EUP] into help with the Pete {^ing} and maybe neighbor [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] [President|Pressley] press thank you {,} Mr. President [PHR-FRPLT] [0] [-9] [3] {,} [-9] five {,} [0] [1] [-8] [-9] {,} [0] {,} [0] [2] [0] [1] {,} [0] [2] [0] [2] {,} [0] [2] [0] [3] {,} [0] [2] [0] five .
369 [0] [2] [0] [-6] {:} [0] [2] [0] [-7] .
370 [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] [paragraph] [-9] [1] .
371 [-9] [3] .
372 [3-9] [-7] .
373 [0] [2] {:} [0] [3] {:} [0] [4] and [0] [-7] .
374 [STKPWHR-RPBLGTS] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] [paragraph] [EUFRPLTS] [STAO] please add Councilor sake sage to [0] [-9] [-7] [paragraph] [paragraph] I see some [PHRARBS] lights Councilor LaMattina .
375 I'm sorry ask you price {^us} add my name to [0] [2] [0] [-7] .
376 [STKPWHREFRPBLGTSZ] please at Councilor LaMattina to [-7] {^}troke [0] [-7] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] Councilor [President|Pressley] - please add mime name I couldn't ride my right {^ing} [PRAOEFRL] {^ly} [-FPLTS] Jackson jack I'd like to - [-8] [-6] .
377 [-8] [-6] .
378 [-8] [-9] [STKPWHR*FRPLGTS] [paragraph] I think we've accomplished our task so at this time ill reed that {:} the lass one I red was [-L] [-8] .
379 So docket [0] [1] [-89] is {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] to the committee on healthy women families and communities .
380 [linebreak] [linebreak] [-9] [0] [linebreak] [0] [-9] [1] assigned to the committee on sit sit neighborhood certificate vir verse - [linebreak] [linebreak] [1] [-9] [2] [KPHAOPLT] [HAOUPBL] human rights and civil [STPHAO] [linebreak] [linebreak] [0] [1] [-9] [3] is {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] to the committee on city neighbor neighbor advice [SRES] [SRES] [linebreak] [linebreak] [linebreak] [4-9] public safety if I {&I.} [-9] five [EULT] city neighbor neighbor shoo shy [linebreak] [linebreak] [0] [1] [-9] [-6] city neighbor neighbor vet vet [paragraph] [-9] [-7] and [-9] [-8] in city neighborhood vet vet affairs .
381 [linebreak] [linebreak] [1] [-9] [-9] - poets aught at this time and over sight .
382 [linebreak] [0] [2] [0] [1] .
383 Assign [STOT] committee on {en^} {en^} and [HELT] [0] [2] [0] [2] government {^mation} pace .
384 [linebreak] [0] [2] [0] [3] is assigned to the committee on {en^} {en^} and parks - [linebreak] [linebreak] [2] [0] [4] economic development planning and labor .
385 [0] [2] [0] five threw [0] [2] [0] [-7] is assign to the committee on healthy {im^} with women families {^ance} community .
386 [linebreak] [linebreak] [STEUT] Thane [TOEUFPBLT] [2-8] [0] city neighborhood certificates verse .
387 [2089] [-9] public safety {^ity} .
388 [linebreak] [linebreak] clerk clerk [ERBG] docket [0] [2] [0] [2] .
389 Councilor Yancy [OFRDZ] the following lord [ETSDZ] financial sport for the erection of the dor doctor March lute lute king you know {^ior} mon [PHAOUPLT] in Boston .
390 [paragraph] you've the [PHRAOR] .
391 [paragraph] take {,}you very much .
392 [PHR-P] Mr. President back in [1-9] [-9] [-9] this matter was actually passed by the boss done city Councilor .
393 [12] of the [13] members of this body signed on .
394 I belief Councilor Kel Kel was [President|Pressley] Tet and he [SAOEUPBDZ] on {^s}{a^} well .
395 This is somewhat different because the [TPEURTS] resolution did not call for any financial consideration [-FPLTS] since that time we've erect Ted {a^} stat [TAOU] of bill Russ El form [PHER] mayor John col {^liness} grace {^ing} city hall [PWHRAS] [PHRAS] things that to Councilor Murphy .
396 But we haven't done anything yet to honor doctor king .
397 While there's [PWROUD] you base sport for this effort {,} I belief that this matter should actually be placed in committee for {a^} hearing although I welcome every {^ry} one signing on .
398 I want to invite the as [PH-RGS] to discuss this issue .
399 But ultimately I want each and every {^ry} one wherever us to be reminds {^ed} of the Val yours doctor king stood for and for which he died every {^ry} day at city hall .
400 So we've actually I'd {^ed} [2] possible location {^s} in the pass either of which has yet to be {im^} accomplishment Ted and hopeful {^ly} with the knew add [PH-RGS] and with the Boston city Councilor so I ask that this mayor not be suss spends {^ed} or passed by I do invite all members of this body to sign on and it referred to the [KPHAOEUT] tee .
401 [STKPWHRAEFRPBLGTSZ] Councilor Yancy has requested that this matter be assigned to committee .
402 There are know lights flashing Councilor O'Malley you've the floor {^us} please add my name [linebreak] [linebreak] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] [S-FRPBLGTSZ] this'll assigned to the commit tone Ways and Means .
403 [paragraph] [linebreak] [0] [2] [0] [1] {:} [STKPWHRA] [paragraph] [0] [2] [10] {:} [linebreak] Councilor discuss displace .
404 Community [STABLTD] and neighborhood preservation .
405 [linebreak] this is {a^} {re^} file we did one hearing lass year .
406 We brought city realty and others in .
407 We plan on dog {a^} seer {^ress} of hearings to deal with very important issue in the [SEUB] .
408 That's a the issue of displace .
409 And {^us} {^i} {^ication} and something {^s that} happening all over the [SEUB] not merely {^ly} and in approximate rocks do are dor animate man pan probably in you're strict Mr. President probably happening the face 'tis about bring {^ing} {a^} [TKPWHROEBG] balance event to the [SEUB] we want to {en^} sure that we're all actually able to be here and so dialing with this issue of housing cries {^s} is one that's very important and in tick the issue and up per pressure sure [OPBTS] middle class of the [SEUB] [-FRT] people who don't get any sub did I [STKEU] at all those are the people love actually the mows divot times and in dish what it comes to the sub [STKAOEUS] {^ed} house ugh now with the vouch cher {^ive} [2] [25] sen {^tory} street right Ra cross from mine it's [2] thousand dollars {a^} [PHOPBTS] for one bedroom so that has really increased pressure sure and {dis^} plates .
410 In the strict so I think [THR-TS] {^'} allot to be said and we want to unpack it it Moore than that's why {^y} I put it forward .
411 Thank you .
412 [paragraph] Councilor Zakim .
413 I wants to commends Councilor Jackson on bring {^ing} this matter [TPHAORD] again for his lead [TKER] ship on the issue in all of our neighborhoods the pressure sure on middle class working [KPHRAS] city antic {^ly} {a^} neighborhood I rep Fen-phen and Mission Hill we see this over and over again every {^ry} day .
414 {im^} [4EUD] {^ing} to {a^} community met {^ing} [TOEPBTS] on this tick Tom [SPEGS] {^ly} in brought ter con [TEPBGT] of planning in for the infection knew years Bostonians so please add my that{.} I look forward to the hearing .
415 Madam clerk please add Councilor Zakim name [linebreak] [STKPWHR-P] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] [STHAOFRPLTS] [STH-FRPBLGTS] I want to comment the make ker of this hearing order nor my [STREBGT] Mr. President Mr. President we've added [PHRAOEUGS] {^s}{a^} .
416 Community center lib [HRAOEUB] [linebreak] [APBLTS] all those {infra^} struck [STAOUR] {im^} [PRAOFPLTS] only certificate of to drive up the Val youse of housing and commune tie and .
417 I long term residents {^tive} to remain in the [SEUB] so I think it's {a^} timely hearing and like to have my name added .
418 [linebreak] LaMattina I wanna Ted to commend the make ker {^s}{a^} {^ive} about here be there are {in^} [SRES] [TORS] buying up properties in the [SEUB] and taking those [APTS] off the housing stock {^us} in my strict [1-6] five you know knits that {im^} aware of about{.} and about{.} and know that there's {a^} hearing on the [2-6] the at {^s} Boston public [HRAOEUB] [HRAOEUB] cop cop that's mayor is response [SORGS] - Councilor LaMattina please at Councilor Yancy [linebreak] [linebreak] [0] [2] [1] [0] is is {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] to the committee on housing .
419 [paragraph] [12K3W4REU6789SZ] [STKPWHR*EFRPBLGTS] this is {a^} {re^} file I wanted to thank my colleagues [THO] came out and attended in tick Councilor Zakim {^s}{a^} well {^s}{a^} pick public because the day before we'd {^us} lan Ted from {a^} trip to {^is} rail and so for them to actually attend the hearing that we'd with Boston you know you know whereas something that I want to thank them for swells [AULTS] others who actually attend {^ed} that .
420 We {^s}{a^} {a^} city are a-changing city where over fifty [3] {^%} people ever color .
421 And we want to make sure that our [KHRAOEPBLGS] and [KWRAOUPBS] [KWRAOUPBS] are [KHRAOUT] {^ing} folks {:} and we also want to make sure that our [AEUPBG] tour institution {^s} {^s that} have done allot of work on are {#Return} giving us {a^} [TKPEFRL] bottom line .
422 One of the ways we look at that is how much are they buying from people in the [SEUB] [-FPBLT] how much are they buying from mine mine [OEPBDZ] businesses and women [OEPBLD] businesses .
423 One .
424 Thinks we heard about brown let us know is that Boston you know you know has {a^} one hundred million{}dollars operating revenue on an Yule bases .
425 [1] hundred million{}dollars .
426 Yet it's the [TH*EURT] third large guess employ ear in the [SEUB] and sadly though only have [3] {^%} after can American stud departments in there school .
427 They range [14] out of [15] When it comes to schools they range [THEPLS] {^s} against and in the [RAOEPBLG] John they're actually the lease {de^} [STPHRERS] terms of there faculty .
428 {^s that} numbers isn't from me its eight from there FAQ FAQ setting .
429 This is are in and around our community and take up {^s}{a^} Councilor Murphy actually note Ted at one point over fifty win {^%} of the lands mass of the [SEUB] is actual {^ly} in the hands of none profits .
430 If we're going to have that we have to have those amenity 'tis pay us back in terms of helping our con my .
431 We've {a^} opportunity to look at this and this is {a^} seer Reese of hearings .
432 {im^} not picking on any one {im^} [TPHOEU] [EUFRB] appoint Ted at {^s}{a^} picking on someone 87 {anti^} bulge I don't think {im^} simply wanna Ted [PAOEPLG] to do the right think and colleges and [KWRAOUPBS] [KWRAOUPBS] [THO] think about that all of our colleges and [KWRAOUPBS] [KWROUPBLS] about in actually at the [SKO*FR] {^ry} stage and wieldy side in terms ever [PHAOFG] forward with policy really how do we look at this .
433 Only [3-7] schools paid it's {a^} pilot actual [HREUFPLT] it's declining number versus {a^} {in^} vine this terms of what we need so we should look at how we not only look at the pilot side of thinks but we also should look at additional benefits .
434 How many [SKHRORS] ships are going to Boston public school stud departments swells how many opportunities relative to people [HOR] actually working at these colleges and [KWRAOUPBS] [KWRAOUPBS] .
435 And ill reminds us Boston you know you know is double the side of fill Dell {^ity} in the [SEUB] when we think of the city .
436 Any .
437 I ways financial and [PWAEUPBG] {^ing} [150EUD] it's the third large guess employ {er^} .
438 We really need to look at that [SWAELS] all the [OEUR] [KHREPBLGTS] and [KWRAOUPBLG] [KWRAOUPBS] this'll be {a^} seer {^ress} of hearings .
439 Thank {,}you very much .
440 Mr. President Mr. President .
441 [STKPWHR-FRPLGTSZ] thank you Councilor [SKWRAPBG] jack [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] docket [0] [1] [1] is assigned to the committee on education .
442 [STKPWHRA] aid aide like to sign on .
443 [STKPWHRO] [paragraph] Councilor [President|Pressley] and Councilor Wu you could please adds them to that mar [linebreak] [linebreak] [50] [2] [1] [2] [STPHR-FPLT] {:} [paragraph] docket number [0] [2] [1] [2] Councilor [STKWRABG] jack [OFRDZ] the following order for hearing to discuss [EPBTS] [PHRAOUPB] ship and residents programs in the city of Boston .
444 [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] this is also {a^} {re^} tile .
445 Ill be he brief .
446 You [PHEPBTS] to do this .
447 As soon as Fran Fran loss and and port port and no{,} have adopt they'd this mod [TKELD] .
448 I think the interesting aspect [-FRT] this [PWHOD] Dell is that .
449 I venture capital firms actually have {a^} {^ent} prune in residence and youse that person to [TKPAOEUD] the {in^} [SRAOES] {^ments} .
450 We've {a^} [2] point [-8] billion{}dollars budget .
451 We've several hundred million{}dollars budget relative to our capital budget so it would be really great to invite members of the {^ent} [KRAOUPB] community here in the [SEUB] {^us} {^s}{a^} we've {a^} Poe El lawyer yet to guide us it in terms of our create {^ive} [THOUTS] .
452 This could be {a^} opportunity to have {a^} {inter^} principle newer who has been hands on on the ground relative to business {in^} [SRES] .
453 To tin to guide us so that's the eye dee and I look [TPAORBD] to {a^} {ex-^} indict Ted hearing on this .
454 Thank {,}you very much .
455 Mr. President Mr. President .
456 [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Jackson .
457 [paragraph] [linebreak] [linebreak] dock [0] [2] [1] [2] is assign to the committee on Councilor Wu {^us} add my name {,} please [-FRPL] .
458 [linebreak] [paragraph] I tried to refrain from saying that to be put anybody [OPBTS] spot the lights are important .
459 [paragraph] docket [0] [2] [1] [2] is the [SPEGS] committee on small business {in^} {inter^} and {in^} [SROE] {^ination} .
460 [linebreak] [PHAOFG] for sub execution on [0] [2] [13] we need {a^} [HRAEUPBG] [HRAEUPBG] change - [-FRB] has it .
461 [paragraph] do we need {a^} second .
462 [linebreak] [PHAOF] substitution [UFPL] all those in favor [paragraph] January [14] {,} [20] [14] {:} bill Lynn Flynn for Councilor Murphy [OFRDZ] [-RDZ] that effect {^tive} January [3] [1] {^s} [20] [15] the following person be added [paragraph] Councilor Murphy you've the floor .
463 [STKPWHR-RPBLGTS] [THAEUPG] {,}you Mr. President [PHR-PLT] I {^us} want to report out of rules that this is the final higher of the central staff changes that you've institute Ted over the course of our precedence {^cy} and the counsel's committee on rules met lass fry fry and interviewed core [REUPB] {^ual} {,} loss one of [-8] [-7] people who had applied for the chief {re^} certificate .
464 {^*ers} job which we promote Ted [WAUPBLG] low pet to the chief researcher Councilor senior legs [HRAEUFT] {^ive} assistant and budget and [HREUS] for the city Councilor [OEPDZ] up on that promotion and rather than reopen the [TKPAORS] we'd {a^} high quality and high cal bar of [-8] [-7] ap can't we opened it to one [-FRT] other final [HREUS] the one withdrew [2] others had [TKPWOTS] {en^} other jobs anchor [REUPB] {^ual} {,} who work {^s} for the maybe [PHAEURS] {^'s} office of neighborhood services was the you know you know choice of all five members of the Councilor rules committee {^ing to} forward and the {reen^} we'd sub [STKAOUT] [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] is to change the title and change the date of her appointment to January [3] [1] {^s} so that she can give adequate notice to [PH-FPLT] okay{.} in{.} {.}is of her departure and she's {a^} attorney by trade and highly [KWAUL] {^ified} individual alive long East Boston {^ress} lent {&e} dent and I think all of my colleagues will be impressed {^s}{a^} was the rules committee on meeting her and getting her to work here in the city Councilor .
465 And I want to take this time to thank you for you're [TEUPBD] efforts {^s}{a^} chair in [PHAOFS] in [PHAOFRG] the central staffer reorganization in its finality Councilor Murphy [PHAOFS] suss suspension of rules {^age} package of docket [0] [2] [13] {:} all docket [0] [2] [13] has been passed .
466 [paragraph] [paragraph] madam clerk {,} [HRAEUTD] five {.}you [4] late file matters in the hands of the clerk and in the absence ever objection will be added to [TKODZ] a {a^} Jen [TKAFPLT] hearing no objections the marry is added to the {a^} Jen [TKAFPLT] madam clerk please reed the first late file marry {:} [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] thank {,}you January [14] {,} [20] [15] .
467 Councilor little Linehan [OFRDZ] the following order that effect {^ive} January [14] the following name person will be hereby be {a^} appoint Ted [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] [12K3W4RU6R7B8G9SZ] [AORD] by Councilor bill Linehan and [TKAOEF] Steve [SKWR-FPLT] [PHUR] newer in the city of Boston home rule peat .
468 Whereas the [SEUB] has one [-FRT] high {^es} does ever living in any city of the country {^s}{a^} well {^s}{a^} mows expense [EUFR] real he state mark [KELTS] therefore be it ordered that {a^} peat to the Jen court accompanied by {a^} bill for [SPEGS] law [RART] {^ing} to the [SEUB] be filed with {a^} {a^} Tess to copy this order be and [HAO*ER] by is approved by clause one of section [-8] of article [2] {^s}{a^} amended of the articles of [AEPLTD] .
469 To the constitution of the [KWELT] [KWELT] of mass choose to the [EPBTDZ] that legs [HRAEUGTS] be {a^} [TKOP] Ted [PRAOES] [SAOEUS] {^ly is} {^s}{a^} follows [KHRERBLG] cal or Ed store {^ial} changes only .
470 [paragraph] Linehan thank {,}you [PHAPT] mat clerk .
471 Thank {,}you Mr. President vice president vice president .
472 I'd like to ask for {a^} suss suspension of the rule to add Councilor Ciommo .
473 His name was originally on this dock Tet .
474 This is the third time that this dock Ted would be vote Ted upon and before I talk on it I would like {a^} second .
475 [paragraph] [linebreak] so long term only own [TPHERS] [TAPBGS] {de^} [TPAOERL] .
476 This is {^s} the third time we've prepared {a^} home rule peat to be sent up to the state legs late {^ture} regarding this matter .
477 This matter is {a^} really significant important marry that all of you have either dealt with but mows of you you have already vote Ted on .
478 The {reen^} we've to do this again is because we're in anew session up at the state house and then the technical team up at revenue [THOUT] that there could be some [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] changes to {a^} sis us in [PHAOFG] it quickly .
479 Soy basically the long term home own [TPHERS] is tin end {^ed} to {re^} pied age fifty five and over having divot {^ity} {a^} forwarding there real he state tax liability .
480 In light of the Rea [SES] {^ments} that {^us} came out I know my assess .
481 Per quart ter has increased [2] [HRUPBDZ] and some other neighborhoods they're even Moore dramatic than that .
482 So for those [HOR] on fixed incomes [HOR] real he state welt think but cash restrict Ted {,} they need something like this .
483 And not to reed the entire think but this gives folks {a^} opportunity for them to defer the tax payment so if there's {a^} significant increase in the assess .
484 Dee fear it until the final disposition of that property .
485 So whether it gets sold or it gets bee [KWAOET] Ted then tat the due tax would be paid .
486 And this would allow people not to have to decide on whether to pay there taxes and talk about whether [TPHE] pay for there prescription {,} whether they put [THEPLS] {^s} in some sort of lean for the city by the city for not paying there taxes and to them there's {^us} there [HOEUPL] where they plan to live for {^s}{a^} long {^s}{a^} they like .
487 And it allows them to dee [TPER] that tax and {im^} sure if we finally get this passed up at the state house and this home rule [PHAOFS] forward this would be cost stead by .
488 I of these of the sit 'tis {^'s} residents [SP-GS] by those that I present .
489 So we vote Ted for this before .
490 The mayor has signed {.}it this has happened twice .
491 We fell very strong I go that [TH-LS] be the third time this'll cur [PHAOFR] this over to the mayor for significant and then get it back up to the house in the section {:} thank you very much .
492 [STKPWHRA] [STKPWHREUFRPBLGTSDZ] please add Councilor particular familiar - Murphy [PHUR] thank {,}you I was {a^} {co-^} response sore lass [2] times {,} and I think it's {,} {a^} come thinks we need to do {,} one is we need to [PHAOF] this {^s}{a^} quickly {^s}{a^} possible because it was {a^} year ago we [PHAOFD] it and {^us} {a^} come week ago the same people we were trying to protect with this got anew barrel several communities of the city and it's [SKWR*EPBS] against us and we did our Bess to [PHAOF] this forward .
493 And having worked in the sen sen [President|Pressley] {^'s} office back in the [1-9] [-8] [0] {^'s} {^ic} tell that you there's anew crew up at the legs late {^ture} .
494 We never tinge [KERD] with any [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] that came up from any municipality and lass year we [SEPBTS] up -- we've {a^} good staff attorney here {,} and she in fashion {^ening} this [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] gave her Bess [EFTS] to us {,} we [SEPBTS] it up to the house of represents .
495 Immediately at ways and means to be stopped by some attorney to to some attorney that said our [HRAEUPBG] [HRAEUPBG] would call {a^} problem and they killed it and we scent up {a^} second one and based on {a^} house attorneys {^'s} rulings and another committee attorney this time revenue says that's [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] we submit Ted that was given to us by house ways and means is not good [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] so revenue kills it and [WOF] said that's first [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] that's city Councilor had draft Ted would have worked .
496 So we need [20E79DZ] hold {a^} meeting with the house Councilor down here to stop screwing [ARPBDZ] with the [HRAEUPBG] [WAPBLG] we [SEPBTS] up there number one and number [2] we need to get this think done for people here .
497 {im^} looking being for {a^} hearing maybe not on this because we're supposed to Rea [SES] [EUFR] {^ry} third year and this is the second year in {a^} row that people have had there property assessed and which I belief is {a^} violation on the state law and we need to cap the value of the assess .
498 .
499 Some are coming in at [30] {,} [35] and [40] {^%} of what {a^} persons {^'s} assessed value is it's going {^ing to} up in [40] {a^} year and it should be capped at ten {^%} .
500 There are people [HOR] cash restrict Ted and property rich that can't hen it in {a^} develop luxe luxe con dose in the block that they live in but they're the one getting potential lice fords living in that block and they need to be protect Ted we need to do it and I think agree [W-LT] [President|Pressley] we should work {^s}{a^} wick {^s}{a^} possible on this house Councilor to get there act together and stop screwing around with our stuff down here .
501 Thank you .
502 [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] chair recognize {^s} Councilor O'Malley [paragraph] please add my name into [linebreak] listen Lynn [EUFRPLT] ill [PHAOF] for suss suspension {^age} package ever this matter [paragraph] so [PHAOFD] .
503 All those in favor ice .
504 All opposed .
505 The Ayes have it {:} .
506 [linebreak] [paragraph] [paragraph] you could reed the second late filed mayor .
507 Is that personnel .
508 [linebreak] [linebreak] order order that effect {^ive} may many influence [EFRPLTS] [AOEFRPL] package [-FRT] second late file marry .
509 All those in favor say Aye .
510 All opposed nay .
511 Second late filed marry has been passed .
512 [paragraph] clerk clerk Mr. President Mr. President [-RBGTS] would you like me to reed this in its entire {^ity} .
513 [linebreak] you can do first and lass [paragraph] yes [paragraph] in the city Councilor order of Councilor Charles Yancy order that having [SRAOEPBD] in open meeting on [20] [15] .
514 The city Councilor of Boston in [ARD] {^ness} with its chart ter by laws vote Ted to authority {a^} [SAO*UPBT] superintendent to submit the mass choose school building authority the statement of interest forms on or before ape ape stent [20] [15] for the following school .
515 Mattapan high school .
516 Knew old state [HOUPTS] .
517 [STKPWHR-PB] {^ant} lass paragraph meets and hereby further [SPES] {^iffic} {^ly} Ang knowledge statement of interest the mass choose school building authority in know ways [TKPWARPB] tease the acceptance or {a^} [PRAOFL] of {a^} application .
518 The awarding of after grants or any other funding commitment .
519 For the mass choose school build prognosis authority or commits to the [SEUB] school strict to filing {a^} application for funds {^ing} with mass choose schooling building authority .
520 [linebreak] [linebreak] Mr. President Mr. President when this bod [TKPEU] first passed the lone orders for the high school on the grounds ever state hospital the price tag was [-6] [0] million{}dollars .
521 Tat the state would have reimbursed the [SEUB] [-9] [0] {^%} so it would have does the city only [-6] [PH-L] to build .
522 Here {^s}{a^} you [EUFR] are {^ry} one nose the price taking is [12] molds and the rates is significant less than the [-9] [0] {^%} it [WOFB] in the year [2] thousand .
523 The purposes of this statement of interest is to have it filed entertainment {^s}{a^} the [HOER] statements of interest that would be filed byte submit Ted by the add [PH-RGS] earlier in the session .
524 So {im^} asking that's chair of the appeal committee consider this matter for statement of interest and work with the school department and add [PH-RGS] to get there sport for statement of interest .
525 Were we to pass the lone order {^s}{a^} currently sits on the table {,} the does to the [SEUB] will be [120] million{}dollars and will be finance {^ed} over {a^} person period of time .
526 If however the school building authority decides to sport the finance {^ing} of this high school {,} then it'll be entirely different anger .
527 .
528 It's possible that's [PAEUFPLTS] will be maid periodically by the [TA*EUPLT] state and will {a^} cleave the same end so this is not mute actually exclusive to the lone order but this does at lease bring us to the attention of the building school authority by sporting {a^} statement of interest .
529 So {im^} asking that this be add [PH-RGS] requests for statement of interest and invite any of our colleagues to sign on at this time {a^} {^s}{a^} well .
530 - thank you very much .
531 [paragraph] [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Yancy .
532 That marry will be placed in the committee on ways and means .
533 - [linebreak] [paragraph] [OFRDZ] by the Councilor [KOUPBS] microphone Flaherty and Steve [SKWR-FPLT] Murphy .
534 In the [SEUB] home rule peat .
535 {a^} act to restore boss tons {^'s} government tally involved housing protection .
536 [paragraph] Councilor Flaherty you've the floor .
537 Thank you Mr. President Mr. President .
538 Itches asked on bee half of housing add cats to {re^} tile this it's not flew to the city Councilor home rule con sis [TAPBT] .
539 Dating back to [1-9] [-9] [4] .
540 It's {en^} [SKWROEUDZ] probably [HRUPL] all the time enjoyed {:} previous add [PH-RGS] send up to Beacon Hill but never really saw [TPAPBLG] or the light of day .
541 In some it's {a^} home rule peat if passed will allow Boston to preserve and {re^} [STKOR] at know does to the sit it {^ity} {,} applies [TOFRPLT] sub did I [STKAOEUS] {^ed} housing with expiring youse restrictions .
542 If pass boss torn could choir own [TPHERS] [K-RTS] thar force {^ing} them to pay market rents and coup you know knits {a^} forward dabble across the city .
543 Know does tool to safe these homes and could believe exams for us ar high point village in Ross and bay towers of our neighborhood of south Boston so our hope is to have {a^} {ex-^} indict Ted hearing for {a^} housing [ABG] advice bet [PHAEURS] {^'s} office for {a^} significant and get it up to Beacon Hill to catch on to the home rule calendar and track up there to hopeful {^ly} get it passed .
544 This also working with Councilor Murphy loss one [-FRT] lead response source in the pass along with our form [PHER] colleague Councilor lone lone housing and Councilor Yancy was involved and form [PHER] Councilor even if even in was involved {^itively} {^ly} in this so this is {a^} {^ian} newly comes up over {^ry} [-FRPL] [TKPWAOETS] {un^} changed toll home rule since [1-9] [-9] [4] so our hope is to get {a^} vote and get it there as soon as possible {:} thank {,}you .
545 [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] thank {,}you Councilor Flaherty {:} Councilor [PHUR] [PHRUR] [paragraph] Murphy [PHEUR] I wants ton thank Councilor Flaherty for response [SORG] this with me .
546 It's {^s}{a^} he said {a^} {re^} file {,} I guess us {,} because we {re^} filed it for all of the [1-9] years I have been on this body and for some {reen^} beak con hill goes to does not take axon this tick home rule peat and we've org hoping maybe this will change at this point in time .
547 Sometimes you keep {re^} filing thinks and they happen .
548 Lass night I was at Ciommo hall with [-FRB] else and the mayor announced [3] is [1] something that Councilor hone hone and I {co-^} cons [SPORDZ] in [1-9] [-9] [-8] in the city Councilor finally coming to the city .
549 So if you keep {re^} filing it sometimes you get what you want and {im^} hoping for the bet on this tick home rule peat .
550 Thank {,}you Mr. President [PHR-PLT] .
551 Thank you Mr. President [PHR-PLT] [STPHAO] she [STPHR] [STHAO] [STHAO] [STPHR] [linebreak] [-LTZ] [STKPWHR-FRPBLTSDZ] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] O'Malley Ciommo lamb lamb [President|Pressley] [WAU] [WAOU] Yancy Linehan [paragraph] yes {:} thank {,}you Mr. President Mr. President Councilor Murphy and Flaherty - I [THREU] [-FRB] here is in {a^} [TKPWRAOEUPLT] we're looking for to {ex-^} died this to get this hold up [STPAPBS] sass week I would like to make Ma molt to suss spends and pass {!} Councilor McCarthy [PHAOFS] suss suspension {^age} package of the forty late file marry you'll all those in favor say Aye all oppose {^ed} nigh the Ayes have it {:} the forty late file marry has been pass {^ed} [STKPWHR-FRPLT] [paragraph] anybody wishing to pull {a^} marry from the green sheets .
552 Seeing and hearing know take {^*ers} on this matter .
553 Then we'll [PHAOF] to the Connolly {a^} Jen [TKAFPLT] .
554 [paragraph] there are [14] late filed [PHAERSZ] which in absence of objection will be added to the consent agenda .
555 Any objection {?} - - Councilor Yancy has asked that he has the opportunity to reed {a^} marry in the Connolly [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] Mr. President [PHR-PTS] Councilor Yancy you've the floor for the [14] the late file marry [paragraph] [paragraph] [PHR-P] Mr. President {,} {^s}{a^} you know {^s}{a^} part of {a^} tra additional in the city Councilor we're going to recognize {a^} [HREUTS] [EUFRPLT] wife in the [SEUB] {a^} person who celebrate Ted all [ARPBDZ] the world .
556 Of course {im^} [RAOEUFRG] to doctor doctor March [HAOUT] lute king junior .
557 Id the opportunity to meet and shake his hands back in [1-9] [-6] five so what I would like to have happen {^ed to} {,} Mr. President Mr. President .
558 With you're permission is to have the clerk reed the registration pollution hon [TPHORG] doctor king in its entirely {^ity} .
559 Madam clerk would you reed that marry in its entire {^ity} {,} please .
560 [paragraph] thank {,}you Mr. President Mr. President .
561 [paragraph] in the city Councilor Boston sit it {^ity} Councilor Charles [KR-FPLT] Yancy hon [TPHORG] doctoring doctoring mart mart lute lute king commune you know you know born at in Atlanta George George on January [15] {,} [1-9] [2-9] to O'Malley women women king and [REFRPBLG] March lute lute king senior and where pass doctor king received his bachelor of arts did I agree in social [KWROL] I go in Moore house college college in [1-9] [-68] and batch batch of divinity {^ity} agree from corrosion {^es} acceptable familiar any in [P-PLS] pens in [1-9] fifty [2] {&s} .
562 Core [REL] that does {?} Boston {on^} mar reed her on June [1-8] .
563 [159] fifty [3] and received his [P-FPLT] [PH-FPLT] therefrom {?} sis mat tick thee [OL] I go from Boston you know June on June fist {,} [1-9] fist if I five .
564 Where at gone - [15] [15] was collect Ted [President|Pressley] of the {^mont} {^mont} {im^} proof .
565 {a^} sociability grove parked saver Mrs.{ }{-|} Rosa parks was [ARD] for [RAOEFG] to give up her seat to {a^} white [PAEPBLG] {^age} August [2-8] the John [TP-FPLT] Ken Ken delivered the {^ive} {a^} dream speech on the step of [-FPLTS] [-FPLTS] [250] thousand and whereas doctor king was [President|Pressley] of the white house while [President|Pressley] Linehan affair employment section to the civil rights act of [1-9] [-6] [4] on July second [1-9] [-6] [4] and whereas Nobel piece price on Oslo Norway on September tent [1-9] [-6] [4] and whereas doctor king came out against our deposit {^'} poll if I in I have {^et} that{.} {on^} may [1-6] [1-9] [-6] [-6] wasn't to member member den ten to lead amount of sanitation workers on ape ape third {,} [1-9D] [-6] [3] where he delivered I have been to the mown tiny stop [STPAOEP] {&e-} head quart terse in the church .
566 Of got and cries and whereas doctor [KEUPBS] ace life was end {^ed} on ape ape [4] {,} [1-9] [-68] by {a^} {a^} {^s}{a^} says [TEUPBS] {^'s} bull it lore plain motel in Memphis ten ten and August [2-7] the [1-9] [-8] [4] following {a^} act of the [-9] [-8] con [TKPWRES] of the you into the regular regular [SAOEUPBDZ] into law the creation of the mart mart lute lute king junior federal who will who will commission be it therefore rye solves that's [PWOTS] does remember the dreams of doctor March [HRAOUTD] lute king junior and sports at physical solve cal questions .
567 Economic justice that he proposed and be it further {re^} sol [THAFTD] boss [TPOPBS] city Councilor in meeting January [15] .
568 [20] [15] {^s}{a^} the [REFRPSZ] doctor mart mart lute king day in the [SEUB] signed by the [President|Pressley] of the city Councilor bill Lynn Han and offered by Councilor [KHARLD] [KR-FPLT] Yancy .
569 [paragraph] Linehan thank {,}you madam clerk .
570 - [S-FRPBLGTS] [STKPW-FRPBLGTSZ] chair [PHAOFS] adoption of the Connolly {a^} Jen [TKAFPLT] all opposed nay .
571 Ayes have [TAPBT] Connolly is {a^} {a^} has been adopt Ted .
572 [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] for what purposes you do rise .
573 Thank [President|Pressley] [STPAEUFPLT] having having - full indulge me I may go [AOEFR] the time but ill try to be respectful [linebreak] [STKPWHR-FRPLTS] proud Dorchester mar {re^} martial who we loss [2] days ago very hard to belief that those piercing blew ice of her ar permanently at {^ress} but [SWHAOE] beloved Dorchester for progress he was {^ive} politics and for .
574 {^ive} us on this bot did I and it's time this now that she sleep - back in the state of the it [STEUT] I {:} Dorchester mentioned throughout the mayor {^'s} [RARBGS] {^ive} know doubt in my mind mar {re^} [WOFB] there lass nighttime and she [WOFB] [KHAOERG] the allow des .
575 I did want to reed {a^} poem but before I do that I doo dee [TPAOEUFPB] her but {^s}{a^} touch {^s}{a^} she was and out spoken {^s}{a^} she was she also was {^s}{a^} gentle and [HROFRG] and ill be remiss if I did not take {a^} [PHOEUPLT] that I know her plowed des honor of that of being {a^} mother and grandmother has well .
576 I wanna Ted to reed {a^} [PHOEPL] one of my fave Ritz and it reminds me of mar {re^} and it's pierce cease to be abuse .
577 [linebreak] {ex-^} [ERTS] that I belief are bee {^ified} {^ing} .
578 To be of youse .
579 The people I love the Bess jump into work head first {:} they don't dally in the shall Los swim off with shore strokes almost out of sight .
580 They steam become [TPHAEULT] [TEUFS] of that element .
581 I love people who [HARPB] necessary [THEPLS] {^s} like {a^} objection to {a^} Hef I have cart pull like wear [PWOUF] low with massive patients strain in the mud and muck to [PHAOF] thinks forward and do what has to be done again and again .
582 The work of the world is {^s}{a^} common {^s}{a^} mind .
583 The picture cries for wear to carry and {a^} person for work {^s that} real .
584 {^ress} in piece mar {re^} .
585 [linebreak] [STPH-FRPLT] {:} very nice .
586 Thank {,}you Councilor [President|Pressley] .
587 Councilor Jackson nor what purposes you do rise .
588 [linebreak] [paragraph] [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] Jackson a rise tow to transcribe constitute to ball .
589 She was stun born {^s}{a^} [WHEL] and loud and will be miss {^ed} at {er^} {^ry} one ever my Turk I can fries wives the worse funds racing thrown other than she sat at the front door it was the only time we only maid {a^} profit at that event .
590 She was always the first to get there and every {^ry} single part of campaign I was worked on she was apart of .
591 She showed that avoid who cares about there neighborhood and something [KPHAEURS] about people could change the world .
592 Every {^ry} single call that I received from her to my sell phone or to my office was for someone else .
593 She never [EFRL] called me to ask for anything for hers {,} someone who fought and ironically I [TKOEBTS] know if this was her third or forty bout with cancer and she [TPAOUT] {.}it she was given I belief ten days this sum [PHEUR] and I told her she was too dam stubborn to [OG] in ten days and Hef Venn has devil {^ly} gained another [SAEUPBG] El .
594 She's doctor probably agitating for the Bess of for any one else's up there .
595 She'll somebody miss {^ed} but {im^} also hard ends by how strong her familiar {^ly} has been throughout this whole time and also that she can {^ress} and be comfort taxable because it has been {a^} very long roads {fore^} hire we're all [PWER] individually {^s}{a^} well {^s}{a^} {a^} city having known mar {re^} martial .
596 We miss her we love her but she'll bevel {&e} devil {^ly} live on in the work that we do .
597 [THAEUPG] you so much {,} Mr. President Mr. President .
598 [linebreak] [12K3W4R-6R789] [STKPWHR*FRPLT] [AEUFRPLTSZ] I tie [STHRAO] - [paragraph] [STKPWHROPBLGS] [paragraph] [paragraph] on bee half of the entire Councilor mar {re^} martial from Dorchester .
599 Councilor Ciommo Paul [KP-FPLT] Flaherty junior .
600 Rog geron Ra {&E.} robin son .
601 Councilor Ciommo and Councilor Murphy .
602 Kev Vin long .
603 [TPORTS] chair and Councilor Flaherty rich chard owe brine .
604 For Councilor LaMattina Patricia Harding .
605 Luis [HRUPBD] ig .
606 Ellie even if know .
607 Josephine necessarily son .
608 Fell leap Pa piece I .
609 And marry [PAG] lieu [AOUBG] {ka^} .
610 For Councilor Murphy [PHUR] France sis bell bell junior .
611 And Gregory Murphy .
612 For Councilor O'Malley .
613 Me thighs {.}it owe {mal^} {^ly} {,} mats {^'} uncle .
614 And Stella Kass pair {^ian} .
615 For Councilor [President|Pressley] .
616 [TKELTS] that grant and Charles turn {^ener} .
617 {a^} moment of [SAOEUL] Lenz {,} please .
618 [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] thank {,}you .
619 Chair [PHAOFS] when the Councilor adjourns {^ed to} it does so in member rift aforementioned individuals .
620 It's scheduled to immediate again on {^ence} influence [2-8] form [12] owe [KHROPBG] noon [EFRPLGTS] [STKPWHR-PBLGS] [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [R-FRPLTS] [STKPWREFRPBLGTS] [paragraph] [S-FRPLTS] so adjourned {:} {:} over over [2] [1-6] .
621 -FPLT * *
622 {^}troke {^}troke