Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Skilled, talented Boston City Council staff and new technology.

Among the 100 or so Boston City Council staff where are there people with the talents and skills for making the more effective use of new technology that communicates the proceedings and activities of the Councilors? For too long the City Council has been behind the curve with out of date stenographic services, out of date stenographic machine, uninformed attitudes toward free software http://fsf.org A more up to date Boston City Council would make use of free software City of Boston government could lead other cities governments by getting up to date technology, up to date software for communicating the important efforts of the Councilors. Advanced use of technology would serve the interest of the City Council in balancing the power of the Mayor's Offices.

Ellen M. Fritch and Associates, City Stenographer
373 Silver Street
Boston MA 02127
tel 617 269-5448
emfritch at aol.com

The Honorable William Francis Galvin
Massachusetts Archives Records Management Unit
Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Terry French, Records Analyst
tel 617 727-2816 x259
fax 617-288-8429
terry.french at sec.state.ma.us

Dear City Stenographer,

Please keep the original stenographic machine record, a public record at City Hall. Don't remove the original stenographic machine record from City Hall. A copy of the original can be used for editing.

Examples of historic preservation of a few of the previous years of this significant public record, the stenographic machine record, are kept by the Boston City Clerk at the City Archives http://www.cityofboston.gov/archivesandrecords/ and at Special Collections Department of Boston Public Library http://www.bpl.org/research/special/collections.htm

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