Especimen De Papeleta
Penalty For Willfully Defacing, Tearing Down, Removing Or
Destroying A List Of Candidates Or Specimen Ballot.
Fine Not To Exceed One Hundred Dollars.
La Penalidad Por La Destruccion, Alteracion, O Eliminacion De Esta
Papeleta De Candidatos Sera Una Multa De No Mas De 100 Dolares.
City of Boston / Ciudad De Boston
Specimen Ballot / Especimen De Papeleta
Special Preliminary Municipal Election / Eleccion Municipal Preliminar Especial
Tuesday, February 15, 2011 / Martes, 15 De Febrero De 2011
District/Distrito 7
Ward/Circunscripcion 4 Precincts/Precintos 4,5,8 & 9
Ward/Circunscripcion 7 Precincts/Precintos 10
Ward/Circunscripcion 8 Precincts/Precintos 3,4,5,6 & 7
Ward/Circunscripcion 9 Precincts/Precintos 2,3,4 & 5
Ward/Circunscripcion 11 Precincts/Precintos 1,2,3, & 5
Ward/Circunscripcion 12 Precincts/Precintos All Precincts 1 - 9
Ward/Circunscripcion 13 Precincts/Precintos 1,2,4 & 5
[ City Seal ]
Sicut patribus sit deus nobis.
As with our fathers may God be to us
Bostonia condita A.D. 1630.
Boston Founded in the Year of Our Lord 1630.
Civitatis regimine donata A.D. 1822.
City Status Granted by the Authority of the State in the Year of Our Lord 1822
Geraldine M. Cuddyer
Helen Y. Wong
Ellen E. Rooney
Shawn K. Burke
Board of Election Commissioners
Comisionados de la Junta Electoral
Instructions To Voter / Instrucciones Para El Votante
To Vote, completely fill in the Oval to the Right of your choice: [~]
To vote for a person not on the ballot, write that person's name and
residence in the blank
space provided and fill in the oval.
Para Votar, rellene completamente el Ovalo a la Derecha de su seleccion: [~]
Para votar por una persona que no esta en la papeleta, escriba el
nombre y las direccion de esa
persona en al espacio provisto y rellene el ovalo.
Candidates for City Councillor
Candidatos Para Concejal Municipal Del
District/Distrito 7
(For Unexpired Term) / (Para periodo que no haya expirado)
Vote For One / Vote Por Uno
Natalie E Carithers
20 Brookledge Street District/Distrito 7
Danielle Renee Williams
75 Munroe Street District/Distrito 7
Cornell Mills
9 Dennison Street District/Distrito 7
Tito Jackson
37 Schuylar Street District/Distrito 7
Roy Owens
6 Woodville Street District/Distrito 7
Althea Garrison
98 Howard Avenue District/Distrito 7
Former State Representative / Representante estatal anterior
(Write-In) (Escriba el nombre)
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