Thursday, June 4, 2015

cc06032015.txt formatted StenoGraph StenoNote .sgstn Stenograph Record. Wednesday 3 June 2015 Public Meeting Boston City Council.

 you Tod is Wednesday {,} June [3] {,} [20] [15] .

2  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] the clerk will please call {a^} role to {^'s} certain the presence of a quorum [paragraph] [paragraph] [12] [0] [-8] [paragraph] Councilor Ciommo [EUFRPBLGTS] present {!} Flaherty - here [P-FPLT] Jackson .

3  LaMattina - here .

4  McCarthy here Councilor Murphy here [paragraph] Councilor O'Malley - Councilor [President|Pressley] - present [linebreak] Councilor Wu - present [linebreak] Councilor Yancy and Councilor Zakim - here [paragraph] [SPEU] [paragraph] {&.v} {:} [paragraph] and ill ask Councilor Wu to come to the podium to escort and introduce today's .

5  [KHRERPBLG] I go .

6  After {in^} vocation is delivered {,} I would ask that all members and guests remain stand {^ing} {^s}{a^} we recite the pledge pledge will be led by Councilor Wu .

7  Councilor Wu you've the floor - thank [paragraph] Wu thank you very much {,} Mr. President {Mr.-|}  {^ed to} it's my honor [THO] welcome to the first time to this I [KHAEUPL] [KHAEUPL] principle [REUFRB] [THRAOEUPB] [EUFPD] [-FRPLD] sigh on church .

8  .

9  Thank you very much to also brother tone any brewer thank you to help facilitate this visit [AEUPB] {in^} vocation .

10  {^es} {a^} native of south Carl animate Rick late Ted .

11  [SAOEUS] sign church .

12  Of [4] years ever conference {^es} courses of season study .

13  Upon colleagues of the study [PWAEUFP] bitch John advanced to the office of [TKAOEBG] con and ordained there .

14  His education and expand from {in^} {^iarch} you know you know in Washington Memphis they'll cal member member ten continue education and [RAOEPBLGS] treatment {^ly} strolled in the community .

15  He has been the column a eye [SAOEUP] sign church .

16  For one year and weaver [THREULDZ] to [WEPL] come him and [AOEG] [TKPWER] to [REUS] {^is} {^ence} to his {in^} vocation to the City Of Boston .

17  [paragraph] thank ux {,} Reverend comb coke coke and Councilor Wu .

18  [linebreak] if there are know corrections to be maid the [PHREUPBS] of the lass meeting will stand approved .

19  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] seeing and hearing no objections {,} the minutes are so approved .

20  [paragraph] madam clerk communication {^s from} his honor the mayor {,} please .

21  [paragraph] [0] [-9] five [3] .

22  [PHOPBLG] authority {^ing} the City Of Boston to {ex-^} [PEPBTD] reimbursements up to the amount of five [PH-L] five [HEUPBDZ] to [SRA*R] [KPWRUS] government [SAEUGT] cease employed [KHRUPG] [12K3W4RU6R78G9SZ] [paragraph] public safety {^ity} .

23  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] department department of neighborhood development to apply for accept and expends fed calories fall year [STPHAO] [linebreak] [EU6R78G9SZ] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] con [TPRUBGT] femme [STRAEUGS] grant [TPUPBTDZ] of [3] million{}dollars [-8] [HUP] {on^} [25] thousand dollars from the you night stead [TAEUTS] department of housing and you're you're development to be [KWHRAOUS] {^ed} to sport led has Saturday and led based pain {^s}{a^} has Saturday reductions in the City Of Boston .

24  [paragraph] [0] [-9] five [4] will be ap [SAOEUPBDZ] to the committee on housing .

25  [paragraph] [0] [-9] five five .

26  [PHOPBLG] authority {^ing} the City Of Boston fire department to accept and expends funds and done Nate Ted by the lass call foundation in {a^} amount not to [EBG] seed [1] [1] fifty [2] thousand dollars to purchase {a^} installed industrial washing continue for the cleaning ever bung ker gear at [1] [1] designate Ted fire house us .

27  [linebreak] Councilor Murphy [PHAOFS] [AUS] suspension {^age} package ever [0] [-9] five five the Ayes have it and [0] [-9] five five {^s}{a^} lass {^ed} - [linebreak] [PHOPBLG] authority {^ing} the [PHRAOEGS] ar ward funds {^ing} {under^} the crash data report {^ing} system program awarded by the U.S. department of transportation and passed throughout mass choose department of transportation for the purposes ever participating in the development of anew statewide crash data report {^ing} system [paragraph] Councilor Murphy [PHAOFS] suspension of the rules {^age} package of [0] [-9] [56] .

28  All those in favor a sigh .

29  Docket [0] [-9] five [-6] has passed .

30  [linebreak] madam clerk {,} record ever public officers and others {,} please .

31  [paragraph] not was received from the city Of clerk in [AORD] {^ance} with chapter [1-9] [-79] regarding axe {^s} take {en^} by the mayor on paper {^%} act pedestrian upon by the city Councilor at its meet egg of April [2-9] the [20] [15] [paragraph] docket [0] [-9] [57] will be placed on file [paragraph] docket [0] [-9] [58] notice was received from the city clerk in [AORD] {^ance} with chapter six of the ordinances of [1-9] [-79] [RARBD] {^ing} axe take {en^} by the mayor on paper {^%} act Ted upon by the city Of Councilor op at its meeting on may [13] {,} [20] [15] [paragraph] [0] [-9] [58] will be place {^ed} on [STPAOEULG] [paragraph] quick recess .

32  [12K3W4R-6R7B8G9S] [paragraph] - the up [STKOUPB] [PWAB] lack in session [paragraph] madam clerk {:} [0] [-9] [59] Connolly bonds ever McCarthy treat that {,} whole who else book book Martin rich rich Sean Al crystal long and Gabe yet {^s}{a^} Buick I can have been dually approved blight [KHREBG] {^ive} Treasurer Treasurer were received and {a^} opinion [PRAOFD] [paragraph] [09] [59] is received and approved {under^} the usually terms and conditions .

33  All those in favor say Aye .

34  All owe those {^ed} [SAOEUS] have [TAPBTS] [0] [-8] five [-9] is approved .

35  [linebreak] [0] [-9] [-6] [06789] [KPHRAOUPB] {^ication} was received from keying keying westerly westerly will{.} will{.} about{.} regarding in{.} star [KHREBG] [KHREBG] company #M{.} about{.} {.}you [14] [STKHRARB] [14] -- [15] [4] [paragraph] docket [0] [-9] [-6] [0] will be placed on file [SH-FPLT] [paragraph] [paragraph] madam [KHREURBG] record of committee .

36  [paragraph] docket number [0] [-6] [4-6] .

37  Committee on since as soon as and vet vet April first [250] [1-6] [0] [-6] [56] [PHOPBLG] authority {^ing} the City Of Boston transportation department to accept and expends {a^} grant of [TP-FT] I one thousand [-7] hundred and [-6] [0] {^ed} for the purposes of sporting the sit 'tis {^'s} bike programs submits {a^} report recommend {^ing} the order out to pass .

38  [paragraph] chair recognize {^s} the commit Chair of the committee on as soon as [SRETS] [SRETS] Councilor McCarthy on [0] [-6] [56] [paragraph] McCarthy thank you very much Mr. President Mr. President .

39  Summary was pretty {^ity} tight .

40  That's [AEBGS] act {^ly} what they're plan on dog this grant will be youse {^ed} to bring [HUBT] way to the out ter {ex-^} sections of our sit [TEUFPLT] compact Ted downtown and they can't build islands have to build the system slowly {^ly} down down to out neighborhoods so over the infection come of years we'll [STARDZ] to {ex-^} stand threw our different communities so I think this out to pass [paragraph] thank {,} you Councilor ache mick committee record and package package ever [0] [-6] [45] [S-FRPBLGTS] sits [STPHRA] [STKPWHR-RPBLGTS] Yancy very briefly purchase {,} I didn't have to {a^} chance to participate in this hearing {^s}{a^} you know in the passive race add lot of concerns about hub way and the fact that .

41  I neighborhoods were simply not collude in there over all plain so {im^} very [KPHRAOES] {^ed} to see this and is in compliance with commit .

42  Maid {a^} number of years ago {,} and I belief that know neighborhood should be discriminate Ted against .

43  And I think from {a^} mark tinge [SPERS] respect {^tive} in terms of average incomes of hub way being surprised that they do have {a^} mark [KET] in Roxbury Dorchester Matt and Hyde Park and other neighborhoods soy {im^} very pleased to see this going threw and I commend the chairman and intend to vote for it .

44  Thank you .

45  [STKPWHRA] [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] {&.v} [0] [*6] [456] has passed [paragraph] docket number [0] [-8] [56] committee on ways and means to which was referred on may [13] {,} [20] [15] [TKOBLG] dock number [0] [-8] [-6] five [PHOPBLG] approving {a^} appropriation of [1] [PH-L] [1] hundred thousand dollars from the income of the majority {trans^} sis mark man [PHUPBD] for the Nate innocence and {im^} [PRAOFT] of Boston common and parks submits {a^} report recommend {^ing} the order out to pass .

46  [paragraph] chair recognize {^s} the chair of the committee on Ways and Means Councilor Ciommo [0] [-8] five [-6] [paragraph] thank I {,}you [PHR-P] Mr. President .

47  We held {a^} hearing on may [2] [1] {^s} commissioner cook provided .

48  About this appropriation the funds was established in [1-9] [-8] [0] has {a^} request from George France France park man {a^} maintain up keep of sport Ted parks collude {^ing} the Boston common [PAUB] lick [TPARD] against fence highlands mark [HOR] ratio Harris park animal {mal^} [KP-FPLT] park .

49  The one point one million{}dollars appropriation is based on about five {^%} of the principal value of the funds .

50  These mon [TPHEUS] are youse {^ed} to fund necessary {^ry} mate innocence in our [PHOEUS] his tour Rick and aging parks .

51  Over [-9] [0] {^%} of the appropriation is for personnel does and balance is youse {^ed} for mate innocence and other miss in lain {^us} splice .

52  I rec [PHEPBGDZ] acceptance of the committee report and package of [0] [-8] [56] .

53  All nose favor say Aye Ayes have it {^ant} docket [0] [-8] [56] has pass {^ed} [linebreak] [STKPWR*FRPBLGS] [paragraph] [0] it can dock [0] [-6] [2-6] [2] threw [0] [-6] [-6] [4] .

54  [ORLDZ] for the financial year [1-6] operating you budge budge collude {^ing} annual appropriation and tax order and you know August for school department and or {a^} pricing format [-FRPL] owe [PEB] .

55  [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTSZ] docket [0] [-6] [-6] [2] threw [0] [-6] [-6] [4] will remain in the committee on Ways and Means .

56  [paragraph] madam clerk please reads docket [0] [-6] [-6] five threw [0] [-8] [*68] [0] [paragraph] and after the chair plan of the [WRAEUS] and means committee will speak on those matters and we'll take individual votes on the individuals orders .

57  Madam clerk clerk .

58  [paragraph] clerk clerk thank {,}you Mr. President {Mr.-|}  [0] [-6] [-6] five - [PHOPBLG] authority {^ing} the city enter into one or Moore lease lease {in^} purchase or install .

59  Sails {a^} agreements [2-6] [PH-L] [-9] hundred thousand dollars [TPORTS] various city departments for the [ABG] six of the equip .

60  And furtherance of the [SPRAOEBGT] {^ive} government Tal functions .

61  Government [paragraph] [0] [-6] [-6] [-6] .

62  [PHOPBLG] aimed {^ing} {a^} appropriation order that would race the amount from [2] [PH-L] [20] thousand dollars to [3] [PH-L] [30] thousand dollars for the purposes of finance {^ing} the does of various capital project [EBGTS] per the {out^} budget project add Master's degree [PWAOEULT] [PWOPBS] ton center for {out^} and families .

63  [paragraph] [PHOPBLG] for alone ever [40] [PH-L] five hundred and [25] thousand for {re^} mod [TKELG] reconstruction {on^} making {ex-^} [OERDZ] repairs by public buildings [OEPBDZ] by the sit it {^ity} fun niche {^ing} and land sight {im^} [PRAOFRPLTS] incidental or directly relate Ted to such {re^} mod [TKELG] reconstruction and repair and or for begin conservation other {re^} (inaudible) {en^} I go {im^} [PRAOFPLTS] to public builds {^s} or fa [SEULTS] does ever department Tal equip .

64  And or for the does of Inc. nearing or arc arc services for plans {^ance} specification {^s} for terms ever collude {^ing} the Boston center for {out^} and families [-FPLS] Boston rye vole .

65  Authority .

66  {en^} {en^} fire [HRAOEUB] [HRAOEUB] neighborhood development price property and con instruction imagine .

67  Public held commission and transportation department .

68  Docket number [0] [-6] [-6] [] .

69  [PHOPBLG] for alone {^s of} five [PH-L] [-8] hundred and [25] thousand dollars in aid of the economic {^ville} .

70  And industrial corporation {^ant} Boston very development authority .

71  Docket number [0] [-6] [-69] - [PHOPBLG] for alone ever [4] hundred and [-6] [0] thousand dollars from aid [-FRT] Boston redevelop .

72  Authority for {de^} fundraising such part of the does ever development renovation mod {^sation} acquisition purchase and certain operations relative to the urban renewal Charles nave nave yard project .

73  [paragraph] docket number [0] [-6] [-7] [0] .

74  [PHOPBLG] for alone ever [2] [1] [PH-L] five hundred and fifty five thousand dollars for the development design purchase and installation ever commute terse hardware other data progression {^es} {^ing} equip .

75  {:} integrate [TEUD] finance imagine .

76  And [K-D] {^ing} systems and or for the development design purchase .

77  Compute ter software incident tote purchase {in^} [STKAL] {^ulation} or operation ever compute ter hard [WEUR] dare and equip .

78  .

79  [PEUR] {a^} at this time [EUFRPLTS] financial imagine .

80  And accounting systems .

81  And or for the does of department pal equip .

82  For purposes ever various [TKEUT] is the {^ity} departments cluing the department department of invasion and dengue tech and school department department .

83  [linebreak] [STKPWHR-BLGTSZ] [STKPWHR-RPBLGTSZ] [TPHOPBLGTS] for {a^} [HROEUPBLG] off [4] [PH-L] and [-8] hundred and [KWAOEURG] lands oar interest there [TPHR-FPLT] city is oar may there of after be authority {^ed} to {a^} [KPWAOEUR] land or interest interest in not owes [SPESZ] {^iffic} {^ly} provided for and for the con instruction of building and or for dishes to floor [SKPAOEUS] of said building collude {^ing} the does ever original equip .

84  And furnish niche {^s} ever said building and or dishes and {^or} for {re^} responsible [STKRUBG] {^ing} or making {ex-^} ordinary repairs to public built {^s} [OEPBDZ] by the city collude {^ing} original equip .

85  Furnishing lands {^scape} Pa you pair an ear sight {im^} [PRAOFPL] [-PLGS] [SAOPLTS] directly relate Ted to such {re^} mod [TKEPBLG] reconstruction or repair .

86  And or for the does of Inc. nearing or arc architect cal [SREURS] {^s} for plans for the purposes of [SPRAR] [SRUS] city departments fire and [PHRAOEPS] department department and public [HRELD] commission .

87  [paragraph] docket [0] [-68] [-7] [2] {:} [PHOPBLG] [PHOPBLG] [1] mill [2] hundred and [150] thousand dollars for the does of department Tal equip .

88  For the [PURPLS] of various city departments collude {^ing} the fire department .

89  Docket number [0] [-67] [3] .

90  [PHOPBLG] for alone of [13] [PH-L] five hundred thousand dollars for the con instruction of the municipal out door and rec reaction nail at at fa [SEUPLT] .

91  [ABG] six and development of planned and con instruction or reconstruction fa [SEULTS] and or for developing lands or [PWER] {^ial} purposes {^ance} or for parse son after news {em^} belch irk the grounds in city [OEPBDZ] acceptable acceptable .

92  Does ever Inc. nearing or arc arc service force plans and [SPES] [SPES] for and [-PBL] [TPOFRPLTS] {re^} mod [TKRELG] reconstruction or make [PHRAG] {ex-^} ordinary repairs public building [OEPBDZ] by the city collude {^ing} original equip .

93  .

94  Paving and other side {im^} [PRAOFPLTS] incidental or directly relate Ted to such {re^} mod [TKELG] con preen tour repairs .

95  And or for acquiring lands and interest there in for .

96  Any purposes for wit sit {^cy} or is are [-RPLT] authority {^ed} to acquire land or interest there in .

97  Not other [SPES] {^iffic} {^ly} provide passenger side for and for the con instruction of building and or for difference to such building where such dishes increase the floor space of said buildings collude {^ing} the does of original equip .

98  And furnish [TPHEURBG] {^ing} of said building or dishes for purposes of various city departments collude {^ing} the parks and rec recognition department and school didn't .

99  Dock number [0] [-67] [4] [PHOPBLG] amending the appropriation that would race the amount of from [1] [PH-L] [4] [15] thousand to [2] [PH-LG] [125] thousand for the purposes of [PHRAPBDZ] {^ing} shade trees planning designing [KWAOEURG] lands for con [STRUBGTS] {^ing} originally equipping structures and fa [SEULTS] it's authority {^ed} to construct and for {re^} mod [TKELG] reconstructing or making major alterations dishes and repairs for {ex-^} sis tinge fa [SEULTS] collude ugh original equip .

100  [PHRAPBDZ] [SKAEUPG] paving and other sight {im^} [PRAOFPLTS] incidental or directly relate Ted to {re^} mod [TKELG] Korean instruction or repair for the purposes ever various city departments collude {^ing} the department department of parks and rec region {^ation} .

101  Dock number [0] [-67] [5] [PHOPBLG] for {a^} [PHROEPB] in the amount of [10] [PH-L] [1] hundred thousand dollars for the please communication insulation {^ance} [PURPLS] ever index tends {^ed} and [PRUPS] ever {im^} poof and or for the department Tal equip .

102  And or for the does of Inc. nearing or arc arc services for [PHRAEPBGS] and for for {ex-^} [OERDZ] repairs to public buildings [OEPBDZ] by the city fun for {^ing} lands skipping [AEUFG] and other sight {im^} [PRAOEFRPLTS] does .

103  Or cree amount of .

104  Could could [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] repair for the purposes of various city departments collude ugh the please department .

105  Dock number [0] [-6] [-7] [-6] [PHOPBLG] for alone ever [20] [PH-L] [-9] hundred and [-9] five thousand dollars for the original con instruction ever pub lib ways or the {ex-^} [TEPBGSDZ] {^s} or wide {^ening} there of collude {^ing} lands damages ability does of pavement and sidewalks laid in the same of set con instruction or for con instruction of the stone block bring commends con street by by con truth [P-FPLT] by the by mech cad ma'am and other men similar lass {^ing} character or for the original con instruction sir [TPAS] {^s} {^ing} or {re^} furnish for [P-S] .

106  Appliance inner off street park {,} [KWRAEURS] and for for Councilor instruction ever sidewalks ever bring by by the Connolly stone or Connolly sin [STAULGTS] mech Mac pave .

107  Only other rode materials for {re^} fur sass {^s} municipal owned and operate Ted off street parking [KWRAEURS] with pavement or other rode materials and or for the does of Inc. nearing or arc arc services for plans and [SPHRAEPBGS] [SPHRAEPBGS] [SPHRAEPBGS] [SPHRAEPBGS] [SPHRAEPBGS] [SPHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] public various sit city [PHRAEUPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] [PHRAEPBGS] public works and {trans^} [PORBGS] .

108  [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] docket number [0] [-6] [-7] [-7] .

109  [PHOPBLG] abalone orders in the amount of [-6] [PH-L] five hundred {on^} ten thousand dollars for acquiring lands or interest there in of any purposes for which the city is or may here after being authority {^ed} to acquire lands or interest interest there in not owes [SPES] {^iffic} {^ly} provided for and for the con instruction of buildings and for for [TKEURBGS] to such bidding where such dishes increase floor space of said buildings cluing does of original equip .

110  Or dishes and for for {re^} mod [TKELG] reconstruction {^ing} or makings {ex-^} owners repairs to public buildings [OEPBDZ] by the city collude {^ing} original equip .

111  Furnish [TPHAOEURBG] [PHRAPBDZ] other side {im^} [PRAOEUFRPLTS] incidental .

112  {re^} mod [TKELG] reconstruction or repair and pour [TPORZ] the does of Inc. nearing or arc arc services for [PHRAEPBGS] and for fire along [*R] [HRARPL] for [PHRAOEGS] communication {in^} [STPHRAOPBGS] sings various city departments collude {^ing} the school department {:} {:} [STPHEPL] planning and specification {^s} .

113  Planning and specification {^s} .

114  [paragraph] one [PH-L] [1] [PAEUGS] [PA*EUFRGS] [PA*EUGS] [PA*EUGS] [PA*EUGS] [PA*EUGS] [PA*EUGS] [PA*EUGS] pace pace pace paste paste paste paste paste paste paste paste paste paste paste paste paste paste .

115  Boston [PHRAS] [PA*EUFRS] paste paste paste paste .

116  Own an [-FPLTS] pave .

117  Of all cost items {in^} dental or {re^} plate Ted there to and for which the City Of Boston maybe El image {^ible} for {a^} granted from the mass choose school building authority known {^s}{a^} [PH-FPLT] {.}is about{.} amount of expends {^ed} {under^} the direction of the public fa [STEULTS] department on bee half of the [PWOUBS] ton public schools and if the [STEUT] is not El image [TKPWEUBG] for {a^} [TKPRAPBTS] for this project said amount may [EUB] expended for such fees ability stud dice mammogram design and dish to the cart ter development center and pavement of awful [KOES] the incidents Tal there [TOFPLT] .

118  Docket number [0] [*679] [PHOPBLG] [4] [30] thousand dollars for the con [STRURBGS] or reconstruction {^ing} bridges ever stone or of iron {super^} {super^} - does of Inc. nearing or arc arc services for plans {^ance} specification {^s} [TPORP] purposes ever various Mrs.{ }{-|} Mrs.{ }{-|} [PHR*EUS] place plaice plaice paste paste paste paste paste [0] [*6] [08] .

119  Message abalone orders not amount of [-6] mill five hundred thousand dollars from the sit 'tis {^'s} capital grants funds in order to provide funds {^ing} from the street rule book [-FPLTS] - [PHRARPBLG] .

120  System to be imagined [PWAOEULT] [TKPWOSZ] ton transportation department known {^s}{a^} about{.} {.}it #M{.} the funds shall be {re^} crate Ted to the capital parking meet ter funds .

121  [paragraph] thank you for that madam .

122  .

123  [KHR*ERBG] clerk .

124  [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] clerk clerk you're well [KAOPL] .

125  [STKPWHR-TS] the chair recognize {^s} the chair city and Ways and Means Councilor Ciommo on the aforementioned order [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] [paragraph] thank {,}you police department Mr. President {Mr.-|}  thank {,}you madam clerk clerk .

126  {im^} very happy to ask my colleagues for further first for {a^} seen for further [TKABGS] [0] [-6] [-6] five threw [0] [-68] [0] funds {^ing} for the [TP-FPLT] [KWR-FPLTS] [1-6] capital budget and lease purchase {a^} agreements .

127  {^s}{a^} know they choir [2] votes [TPOEUT] sit did I Councilor and first vote .

128  [STKPWHR-LTS] thus {for^} the sit committee on Ways and Means has conduct Ted [2-6] years and we're know [SAOEFGS] the financial year [1-6] questionnaire from all the small they're departments that went out earlier this cease son .

129  Docket [0] [-6] [-6] five threw [0] [-68] [0] total [15] [1] million{}dollars to fund financial year [1-6789] capital expend [STAOURS] and clue project [EBGTS] in every {^ry} neighborhood in the [STEUT] .

130  Light some [SREULS] {^'s} project understands {un^} study for anew population in East Boston and over hauling of the about{.} [P-FPLT] #M{.} radio system {&E.} system wide [PRAPBLG] study for the Boston fire department .

131  The renovation of [2] fire [STAEUPLGTS] {^s} in regional place .

132  Station for Boston {&E.} [PH-FPLT] {.}is and see sport strict .

133  And parks .

134  {a^} wheel park .

135  {a^} hole [HREUS] tick approach to plan park renovations .

136  {a^} parks {^s}{a^} et cetera substitute did I and assess abilities evaluation {a^} are {un^} also {under^} way to help guide [TPAOUT] capital planning .

137  In the schools .

138  I [PH-FPLT] #M{.} amount of [KR-FPLT] funds {^ed} {^s}{a^} well {^s}{a^} tinge partner ships with the mass school building authority .

139  Streets redesigning of [EUPBTS] DECS {^s to} make them Moore safe for [TKEDZ] pedestrians pedestrians [-FPLTS] washing automobile streets practice .

140  Pedestrian pedestrian [ABG] [SRES] reconstruction of sings lain miles of roadways and [4] hundred thousand scare feet of squawk .

141  {re^} surfacing [40] lain files of roadway {.}you {in^} [STRAUL] [1-8] [-8] clients pedestrian pedestrian ramps and [15] miles of bike lines .

142  For our [HRAOEUB] [HRAOEUB] {a^} full scale renovation for [-7] bran .

143  [HRAOEUBS] [HRAOEUBS] and tech normal I go expand Boston {^'s} [TPAOEUB] optic network to cree amount of {extra^} [PAPBDZ] the sit 'tis free Wi-Fi and [TKABG] [-FRPBLGT] [PWER] understand [THREPBDZ] and education transportation hence these services .

144  I belief this is {a^} pons {^ible} plan that'll {im^} proof the quality of life in all of our neighborhoods and [STREPL] straight our commit .

145  To {a^} neck [KPHR*EBG] [PHREU] [KPROPBG] Boston .

146  I urge my colleagues to - assign Mies matters for further axe .

147  .

148  The .

149  Thank you .

150  - Councilor Yancy .

151  Thank {,}you very much .

152  Mr. President {Mr.-|}  I commends the chairman for all of these hard work and Ways and Means committee {,} and I do intend to work for mows of these orders .

153  I think there are only [3] {^ive} major concerns with .

154  Which I project {^ly} there not vote for {^ed to} .

155  But if my concerns are answered ill be available for [SKEBGD] reading .

156  Mr. President Mr. President .

157  The Boston redevelop .

158  Authority {,} {^s}{a^} you know {,} has access to significant funds {,} and I don't belief it's necessary {^ry} for the city to [SRAEPBS] the assumption requested for the about{.} [R-FPLT] amount of and {&E.} #M{.} {&I.} [KR-FPLT] .

159  Because I belief they ever [TPHERPBL] {re^} source {^s} that can hands {^ing} these [2] questions [0] [-6] [-6] [-8] and [0E] [-68] [-69] {:} the third issue {^ive} concern with has to do with the department of invasion and tech normal I go .

160  [PWHR-PT] Mr. President I have been {a^} little {^-bit} bit {dis^} [SROEUT] innocent [TPH-PBTD] innocent Nate 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 innovative .

161  [SRAEUPBT] [SRAEUPBT] [RAEUPBT] 198 198 198 innovative .

162  Innovate [TAEUF] .

163  Vein [SRAEUT] {^tive} {&I.} [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] so [-L] ill be voting [TKPWEPBGS] that marry in hopes that between now and the request for the second reading week come to {a^} meeting of the minds {^s}{a^} to what the city Councilor will have access to in terms of financial and personnel information so we're not in {a^} parent on [TKPHREUBGT] whenever [1-7] [TP-FPLT] requests ar maid .

164  Now {FLUSH} several [1-7] [TP-FPLT] orders that's add [PH-RGS] has {'} even acknowledged {,} and I belief that before I vote on this matter that's add [PH-RGS] should respond .

165  If though don't have information they should sends {a^} [SKPOERPBS] stake they don't Poe [STES] it and they [TKOEBTS] belief the city Councilor should have access to this and give us {a^} [KAEUGTS] of why the city [SPHUD] not have [ABG] Tess to that public [TPHR-FGS] .

166  {im^} very concerned about that and I can recall {a^} request .

167  I am I years ago actually before you came on bored {,} Mr. President {,} where [THR-FRS] {a^} request for [2-9] million{}dollars {,} and imagine .

168  Information systems .

169  And we'd some certificate {^us} neglect [AOERBGS] {^s} but the results ever those [OEG] [TPHERB] {^iation} {^s} result Ted and the sit I Councilor information and use {er^} book form {,} not ten thousand pages that they youse {^ed} to submit for this but electron nick form {on^} that was very successful - however .

170  I of those neglect [OERB] {^iation} {^s} are not reflect Ted in the transmit Tal of information to the city Of Councilor that were neglect [OERB] {^iate} Ted around that [2-9] million{}dollars {a^} decade ago so ill not be voting for [0] [-6] [-7] [0] or [0] [-6] [-6] [-8] and [-6] [-69] until {^ive} those concerns answered by the about{.} [R-FPLT] amount of and dual department .

171  Thank you {,} very much .

172  [linebreak] at this time madam clerk will you please reed the role for each individual dock [KET] beginning with dock [KET] [0] [-6] [-6] five [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [KR-BG] is city Councilor .

173  [KR-BG] [KR-BG] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] Baker yes Ciommo yes Flaherty yes Jackson yes LaMattina yes McCarthy Linehan yes la public mick yes Murphy yes O'Malley yes [President|Pressley] yes Wu {,} yes {:} [linebreak] Councilor yak Yancy - yes .

174  [linebreak] Councilor [TKPAEUBG] take - yes .

175  [paragraph] [linebreak] [STPHR] Mr. President {,} we've {a^} you know you know [SROEUT] for [0] [-6] [-6] five [STKPWHR*FRPBLG] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] [07] [-6] [-6] five there received it's first receipt {^ing} and {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] [STPORT] further axe .

176  [paragraph] Councilor Baker [-FRPBLGTSZ] yes .

177  [linebreak] Ciommo - yes .

178  [linebreak] Flaherty - yes .

179  [linebreak] Jackson - yes .

180  [linebreak] LaMattina - yes .

181  [linebreak] Councilor Linehan {?} - yes {:} [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes {?} [linebreak] Councilor Murphy - yes .

182  [linebreak] Councilor O'Malley - yes [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes - [linebreak] Councilor [WAOU] woo [WAOU] {?} - yes [-FPLTS] [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes .

183  [linebreak] Yancy - yes {?} yes [paragraph] [13] [linebreak] dorm dock being {em^} [TPHAOEPL] [TPHAOEFRPLTS] [SR-FRTS] [STPH-FT] [EFRPLTS] [STHAOFRPLTS] [STHAO] {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] for further axe [STKPWHREFRPBLGTSZ] [paragraph] [0] [-6] [-6] [-7] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSDZ] Councilor Baker - yes .

184  [linebreak] Councilor Ciommo - yes .

185  [linebreak] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

186  [linebreak] Councilor Jackson - yes .

187  [STKPWHRAP] Councilor LaMattina [-FRPBLGTSZ] yes [EFRPLT] [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes - [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

188  [linebreak] Councilor Murphy - yes .

189  [linebreak] Councilor O'Malley - yes - [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes - [linebreak] Wu - yes .

190  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

191  [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes .

192  [linebreak] [paragraph] [paragraph] Mr. President {,} we've {a^} you know you know vote on docket number [0] [-6] [-67] .

193  [STKPWR-RPBLGTS] [0] [-6] [-67] has received its first reading and you know you know vote and assigned for the further axe .

194  [paragraph] [0] [-6] [-6] [-8] [paragraph] Councilor Baker - yes .

195  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] coupon Ciommo - yes .

196  [paragraph] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

197  [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] [linebreak] Councilor Jackson - yes .

198  [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina - yes {:} [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes .

199  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy {?} - yes .

200  [linebreak] Councilor Murphy - yes .

201  [linebreak] Councilor O'Malley - {^y} [-FPLTS] [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes - [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes {:} [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - know [-FPLTS] [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes [-FPLTS] [linebreak] Mr. President Mr. President we've [12] votes in the affirmative and one vote against on docket number [0] [-6] [-6] [12K3W4R-8] [linebreak] [linebreak] dock [TKPWOBG] number [0] [-6] [-6] [-9] [paragraph] Councilor Baker - yes [paragraph] Councilor Ciommo yes .

202  [STKPWHROUPB] Flaherty - yes [linebreak] Councilor Jackson - yes - [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina - {^y} - - [paragraph] Councilor [PHREUPB] Lynn - yes .

203  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

204  [STKPWHR-P] Councilor [PHRUR] [PHUR] - yes - [linebreak] O'Malley [KWR-FRPBLGTS] yes [paragraph] [President|Pressley] [KWREFRPBLGTS] .

205  [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

206  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - know [-FPLTS] [linebreak] [KOUPBLG] same same - yes .

207  [paragraph] [PHR-P] Mr. President {,} we've [SAOEFDZ] [12] [SRAOETS] in the affirmative {on^} one vote in the leg in {^tive} off on [AOBG] okay [0] [-6] [-6] [-9] which has received its first reading [-FRPLGTSZ] docket [0] [-6] [-69] [-9] has received its first reed egg [12] in the affirmative and {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] for further axe .

208  Madam clerk before you go on {,} you could please recognize in {a^} ten dance Councilor Jackson and Councilor Yancy and Councilor O'Malley [STKPWHR*FRPBLGS] [0] [-67] [0] [S-FRPBLGTS] [linebreak] Councilor Baker - yes [-FPLTS] [paragraph] Councilor Ciommo - yes .

209  [STKPWR] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

210  [paragraph] Councilor Jackson - yes [-FPLTS] [paragraph] Councilor LaMattina - yes [-FPLTS] [linebreak] [paragraph] Councilor LaMattina {,} yes [linebreak] McCarthy yes [linebreak] Murphy yes [linebreak] O'Malley {,} yes [linebreak] [President|Pressley] {,} yes .

211  [linebreak] Wu yes [STKPWHRAEFRPBLGTS] Yancy know .

212  [paragraph] Zakim - yes [-FPLTS] .

213  [paragraph] Mr. President [PHR-PTS] we've docket number [0] [-67] [0] .

214  Has {a^} vote of [12] in the affirmative {,} one in the negative and has received its first receipt {^ing} .

215  [paragraph] [0] [-678] [40] has received its first reading [12] in the affirmative and one in the negative and {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] for the further axe .

216  {:} [paragraph] docket number [0] [-67] [1] [-FPLTS] Councilor Baker - yes .

217  [linebreak] [paragraph] {un^} Councilor Jackson [-FRPBLGTSZ] yes [*FRPBLGTS] [SKPROUPB] LaMattina - [KWREFPLT] [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes .

218  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

219  [linebreak] Councilor Murphy - yes .

220  [linebreak] Councilor {/} owe - yes .

221  [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

222  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes - [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes - [linebreak] Mr. President Mr. President docket number [0] [-67] [1] has received {a^} you know you know vote for its first reading .

223  [linebreak] you know you know and {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] for further axe axe .

224  [paragraph] [linebreak] .

225  Docket number [0] [-67] [2] Councilor Baker - yes .

226  [STKPWHROUPB] Ciommo - yes .

227  [paragraph] Councilor [TKPHRAR] familiar - yes .

228  [paragraph] Councilor Jackson - yes .

229  [paragraph] Councilor LaMattina - yes .

230  [paragraph] Councilor Linehan - yes .

231  [paragraph] Councilor McCarthy - yes {:} [paragraph] Councilor Murphy - yes .

232  [paragraph] Councilor O'Malley - yes {&E.} [paragraph] Councilor [PRETS] press - yes {&E.} [linebreak] Councilor Lynn woo Wu - yes .

233  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy [*FRPBLGTS] yes .

234  [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes [-FPLTS] [paragraph] Mr. President Mr. President docket number [0] [-67] [2] that had you know you know vote for its first reading [paragraph] [paragraph] [paragraph] docket [0] [-67] [2] has received its first reed ago you know you know and {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] for further axe .

235  [paragraph] [linebreak] [linebreak] docket number [0] [-67] [3] - Councilor Baker - yes .

236  [linebreak] Councilor Ciommo - yes .

237  [linebreak] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

238  [linebreak] Councilor Jackson - yes .

239  [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina - yes .

240  [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes [-FPLTS] [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

241  [linebreak] Councilor Murphy - yes .

242  [linebreak] Councilor O'Malley - yes [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes .

243  [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

244  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

245  [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes .

246  [linebreak] Mr. President {,} docket number [0] [-67] [3] had {a^} you know you know vote for its first reading [paragraph] docket [0] [-67] [3] has received its first reading you know you know and {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] for further axe .

247  [linebreak] [STKPWHROFRPBLGTS] [paragraph] [0] [-67] [4] [-FPLTS] Councilor Baker - yes [STKPWR] Councilor Ciommo - [KWREFPLT] [linebreak] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

248  [linebreak] Councilor Jackson - yes .

249  [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina - yes .

250  [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes .

251  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

252  [linebreak] Councilor [WAOU] Murphy - yes [-FPLTS] [linebreak] Councilor owe {/} - yes .

253  [STKPWHR-P] Councilor press press - yes .

254  [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

255  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

256  [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes [-FPLTS] [paragraph] [PHR-P] Mr. President .

257  Docket number [0] [-67] [4] received you know you know vote for its first reading .

258  [paragraph] docket [0] [-67] [4] has received its first reading you know you know and assigned for further axe .

259  [paragraph] docket number [0] [-67] five Councilor Baker - [KWREFPLT] [linebreak] Councilor Ciommo - yes .

260  [linebreak] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

261  [linebreak] Councilor Jackson - yes .

262  [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina - yes .

263  [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes .

264  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

265  [linebreak] Councilor [PHUR] [PHRUR] - yes .

266  [linebreak] Councilor O'Malley - yes .

267  [linebreak] Councilor [PHUR] [President|Pressley] - yes [-FPLTS] [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

268  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

269  [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes .

270  [linebreak] [paragraph] Mr. President {,} docket number [0] [-67] five received {a^} you know you know vote for its first receipt {^ing} .

271  - [linebreak] [12K3W4R*E6R7B8G9S] [paragraph] Councilor [TPHREUPL] [TPHRAOEURPBL] [THAOLT] [EUFRT] [STHAO] .

272  I were Shah [STAOEUPBDZ] for further axe .

273  [paragraph] down Baker - yes .

274  [linebreak] Councilor Ciommo - yes .

275  [paragraph] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

276  [STKPWHR-FRPBLTS] Councilor Jackson - yes [-FPLTS] [STKPWHR-FRPBLTS] Councilor LaMattina - yes .

277  [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes .

278  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

279  [linebreak] Councilor Murphy - yes - [linebreak] Councilor O'Malley - yes .

280  [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes .

281  [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

282  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

283  [linebreak] Councilor Zakim - yes .

284  [linebreak] Mr. President docket number [0] [-6] [-7] - you know you know [SROEUT] for hits first {re^} receipt [paragraph] [paragraph] docket [0] [*67] [-6] has [SHAOEFD] hits [TPEUFRTS] [UFRPLTS] {a^} [SAOEUPBLDZ] for the further axe .

285  [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] docket number [0] [-67] [-7] .

286  Councilor Baker - yes .

287  [linebreak] Baker - yes .

288  Ciommo - yes .

289  [linebreak] Flaherty - yes .

290  [linebreak] Jackson - yes .

291  [linebreak] Lynn LaMattina {,} yes - McCarthy yes [-FRPBLGTSZ] Linehan {,} yes [-FRPBLTS] [PHRUR] [PHUR] - yes .

292  [linebreak] O'Malley {,} yes [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes .

293  [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

294  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

295  [linebreak] and Councilor Zakim - yes .

296  [linebreak] .

297  Mister Mr. President {,} dock [KET] number [0] [-67] [-7] received {a^} you know you know vote for its first reading [paragraph] [paragraph] [paragraph] docket [0] [*67] [-7] has received its first reading vote Ted you know you know and {a^} [SAOEUPBDZ] for further axe .

298  [paragraph] docket [2340U78] [-678] [-FRPBLGTSZ] yes [linebreak] Councilor Baker - yes .

299  [linebreak] Councilor Ciommo - yes .

300  [linebreak] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

301  [linebreak] Councilor Jackson - yes .

302  [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina - yes .

303  [linebreak] Councilor mick Linehan - yes .

304  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

305  [linebreak] Councilor Murphy - yes .

306  [linebreak] Councilor O'Malley - yes .

307  [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes .

308  [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

309  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

310  [linebreak] and Councilor Zakim - yes .

311  [linebreak] Mr. President Mr. President {,} docket number [0] [-678] has {a^} you know you know vote for its first reading .

312  [paragraph] docket [0] [-678] has {a^} you know you know vote and seeks its first reed Ang {a^} [SAOEUPBGD] for further axe [paragraph] [0] [-679] crown Baker - yes {&E.} [linebreak] Councilor Ciommo - yes .

313  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

314  [STKPWHR-RPBLGTS] Councilor Jackson - yes .

315  [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina - yes .

316  [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes .

317  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

318  [linebreak] Councilor [PHUR] - yes .

319  [linebreak] Councilor O'Malley - yes {:} [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes - [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

320  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

321  [linebreak] and Councilor Zakim - yes {:} [linebreak] Mr. President Mr. President docket number [0] [-679] had {a^} you know you know vote for its first reading .

322  [paragraph] docket [0] [-679] has [SOEFD] vote Ted you know you know and assigned for further axe .

323  [paragraph] and docket [0] [-68] [0] [paragraph] Councilor Baker - yes .

324  [linebreak] Councilor Ciommo - yes .

325  [linebreak] Councilor Flaherty - yes .

326  [linebreak] Councilor Jackson - yes .

327  [linebreak] Councilor LaMattina - yes .

328  [linebreak] Councilor Linehan - yes .

329  [linebreak] Councilor McCarthy - yes .

330  [linebreak] Councilor Murphy - yes .

331  [linebreak] Councilor owe {/} - yes .

332  [linebreak] Councilor [President|Pressley] - yes .

333  [linebreak] Councilor Wu - yes .

334  [linebreak] Councilor Yancy - yes .

335  [linebreak] and Councilor Zakim - yes .

336  [paragraph] docket number [0] [-6] [-8] [0] has {a^} you know you know vote for its first reading [-FPLTS] [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] [STKPHR-FRPBLGTS] [paragraph] madam clerk {,} {,} dock [KET] number [08] [-68] [4] [H-FRPLT] [PHOPBLG] authority {^ing} the inspection service advice chapter had [4] section fifty [3] {&E.} and {a^} half [RAE] volume [-FG] fund to accept from the fund up to maximum of [2] hundred thousand dollars for fund fiscal year [20] [1-6] to reimburse for add [PH-RGS] cost items for those city agent cease which [-RS] {en^} [TKPORS] .

337  .

338  Chapter [1-6] [1] point [-9] ability [1] point [-9] about{.} and for cost items {a^} association [TEUD] with license {^ing} and regulation [EUFPLTS] [paragraph] rye main in the committee on Ways and Means [paragraph] [09] [09] - majority authority city [OEUFP] boss [TOFRPBLT] development to accept and expends {a^} grants of [1] [PH-L] five [HUPBDZ] thousand dollars from the economic development and investor corporation [TPORPT] purposes of sporting the operation {^inal} [TPHAOEFDZ] of the City Of Boston {^'s} office of economic development .

339  [linebreak] chair recognize {^s} the vice chair dor {^ry} {im^} the Claire [paragraph] the chair recognize {^s} the chair of the committee on economic develop empty and planning and labor Councilor LaMattina .

340  LaMattina LaMattina .

341  Thank you {,} Mr. President .

342  Mr. President Mr. President I was out sick yesterday and Councilor Wu [HRELD] {a^} hearing and she has notes that she would like to reed .

343  Thank you .

344  [paragraph] thank you {,}you Councilor [STP-RPL] LaMattina .

345  Id the honor for you Wu [WAOU] id the honor of pushing for our Councilor bar bar about the grand it's {a^} [1] {^-^} and half million{}dollars for grants for five [HUPBDZ] over [3] years from the {&E.} #M{.} {&I.} [KR-FPLT] economic development and industrial corporation to sport the economic development .

346  Know grant {re^} conviction {^s} {re^} [PHAOFG] {a^} [POFT] mon any from out side to of received per view to receive within purview .

347  Chief beer beer said the mon any will go to [2] [PHRAEUPBLG] thinks [-FRPL] one funds {^ing} [3] knew positions with various salaries that'll clue added staff program line [STAFPB] and possible [PHREU] {a^} directors {^'s} position and the other Chung of it there [TKPWHR] to [2] maim [THREUS] .

348  .

349  City Of Boston and the other on preparing for disparity stud December so ill throughout chair recommend that this [PHAOERB] sure out to pass for the great City Of Boston to tin in its efforts [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] thank {,}you Councilor [WAOU] .

350  [paragraph] Councilor LaMattina [PHAOFS] sen answer of the committee report and package ever [09] [09] and all of nay [HRAEUFRPLT] .

351  Ice [09] [09] has pass {^ed} [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] motions orders and {re^} [HRAOUGS] us Zakim and [President|Pressley] [OFRDZ] [TPOLGTS] order for {a^} hearing regarding [HELT] and safety {^ity} has Saturdays facing Boston hotel workers [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] chair recognize {^s} Councilor Zakim and docket [0] [-9] [-6] [1] [paragraph] thank you {,} Mr. President Mr. President .

352  I'd like to start nigh [PHAOFG] to suss spends the rules {^age} {co-^} response sore to this hearing order [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [STKPWHREFRPBLGTSDZ] [AEUFRPLT] all [THOEU] - Ayes have [T-PBT] {a^} Councilor McCarthy has been added .

353  [paragraph] I [-L] be very brief [TOFRPLTS] - - on this important hearing order .

354  The win dim hotel on blossom street in the Wes ends in strict [-8] and {^ive} hired some [RAOEPBTS] {^ly} disturbing [AELGTS] {^s} some were contribute Ted to the our colleagues in the Councilor some of the conditions that the workers are facing there regarding [HELT] and safety {^ity} and sort of bod dilly fluids that shall off ten found in the hotel rooms and parent {^ly} quite {a^} few patients before and after operations and stay there will {^is} all well and good but my concern {^ant} concerns I hope week get to the bottom of by having the folks and hem hotel workers an public [HELT] owe officials {^ance} others here's at the hearings training and equip .

355  Is necessary {^ry} to mick sure not only are the hotel workers are safe but all guests staying at this [WEUS] are .

356  You know {,} I think certainly {^ly} observantly it's {a^} big business here in the City Of Boston and making sure that whether it's [PWHROD] or her bod dilly [TPHRAOUPBDZ] thar in these hotels that folks are protect Ted .

357  Its [AETS] hub pick [HRELT] [APBL] folks - working in {a^} hotel {^ress} rant or office building they should provide the proper equip .

358  Ap training to be safe .

359  I think [AEUTS] important obligation {a^} of this body to look into that .

360  And I want [THO] thank my colleagues Councilor [President|Pressley] and McCarthy for working on this with me .

361  [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Zakim .

362  Councilor [President|Pressley] .

363  [paragraph] that's [OERB] Shah .

364  Good after noon .

365  Thank {,}you Councilor Zakim is for lead ship San part part arch McCarthy for [PHRAEUFRPLTS] Councilor Zakim was {un^} comfort taxable snick [KERG] youse {^ing} the word or terminology I go about talk about sir rings [PWHROD] vomit and [PAOERB] {FLUSH} and [TKHAEUPL] [PWER] so imagine how these [23] housekeeping {^%} feel cleaning up these thinks every {^ry} day .

366  {^s}{a^} report Ted [TPH-FTS] globe they're duck training trash bags on [THEPLS] {^s} to [PROEU] tect members [TPRES] these conditions .

367  One workers spoke there being so much [PWHROD] on the floor that it [TKWEURBD] [PWHRAOE] neat her feet .

368  So these are very certificate {^us} allegation {^s} and extreme and reap {^ry} [EUFRPLT] [-FRBG] would {^ing} {^ing in} {,}it there's {a^} social [SHRA] investigation [-FPLTS] it's my hope and {ex-^} indict [TEUD] hearing it'll bring some [STROEPBT] to this investigation or resolution and {im^} [PRAOFRGSD] out comes and conditions for these workers - thank {,}you Mr. President [PHR-PLT] .

369  [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor [President|Pressley] and Councilor McCarthy .

370  [paragraph] McCarthy thank you very much Mr. President [President|Pressley] and things that to Councilor Zakim and [President|Pressley] {:} if we can't protect heart workers in the city Of what are we dog {^s}{a^} {a^} Boyd #M{.} I look [TPHAORD] to the [STKPHROP] {ex-^} indict Ted hearing and I want to here how this came to be .

371  Maybe there'll {ab^} {a^} changes [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] Councilor Yancy .

372  Thank Mr. President Mr. President .

373  I rise to commend the [3] make [KERS] of this order and {^us} asked that my name being added [STKPWHRAFPLT] Yancy make bake Ciommo Flaherty Jackson LaMattina owe {/} {:} {:} LaMattina minute mine [WAOU] O'Malley Wu please add my name [paragraph] {im^} split between the committee on economic development and Councilor Zakim .

374  {!} [STKPWHRAE] [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] that marry will be placed in committee on women healthy communities and families .

375  [STKPWHRAEFRPBLGTSZ] docket number [0] [-9] [-6] [2] {,} Councilor Jackson [OFRDZ] the following resolution {,} that's [STEUT] Councilor sport the imagine ever senate bill [-6] [4] slash house [14] [2-9] the justice {re^} {in^} [SRES] .

376  Act filed by senator Sonya Jane die {^ance} and representative Tom {re^} forms there in [linebreak] [STKPWHREFRPBLGTS] [paragraph] Jackson on [0] [-9] [-6] [2-6789] .

377  Mr. President Mr. President I rise to ask that my [KHRAOEBGS] sport this resolution .

378  This is one that would actually deal with man tour {^ry} minute [PHUPLS] and the mon any we spend in the states {^'} budget .

379  We currently spent [13-7] million{}dollars on workforce training for jobs {,} and we spends [4] [KP-FPLT] that amount on the department ever corrections operation .

380  On an jewel bases on average we spent spend fist pi [3] thousand dollars per year to house each inmate and ill [TPWHAUT] in in con tect [1-7] thousand dollars {a^} child in the Boston public schools {:} this is interesting legs {^ulation} to me because it deals with man tour {^ry} minute minute for none violent drug owe [STPRAEPBS] {^s} and takes the savings from that and puts it back into training and programs and also drop out prevention which week actually youse in the Boston public schools .

381  Earlier this week we actually had judge crave crave the first justice [TPROT] familiarly court come in{.} of the Boston public schools in there budget is proposing to cut our {a^} ten dance officers truant office [EFRS] we only other have four for [4-7] thousand stud departments {:} currently we own deal with stud departments who miss {^ed} only six {^ity} days ever school {:} and to date this fiscal year judge crave crave had {a^} case lode of over [14] hundred young people .

382  And so we need to figure this out .

383  This is I think [KPHROPB] sense legs {^ulation} that actually takes savings because -- and not send it not Jen fund and [SPEBDZ] it somewhere else but takes the savings from department of correction and take {a^} pro {^tive} approach job training workforce development [STWELS] drop out prevention I would ask that I my colleagues {,} we should put our [SHOELD] [TKER] [HAOEUPBDZ] this and see {&e} we voice our concern and understand [3] hundred people {a^} {^mont} come back to sufficient sufficient county .

384  That means Boston - from the [PREUS] sons and either sufficient sufficient county or up state {,} and so it's our city that takes the vase majority of individuals .

385  And I think this legs {^ulation} actually gins to take us {a^} step forward to goal with this issue .

386  I would ask for suss suspension and package {^ed to} .

387  [linebreak] [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Jackson .

388  Councilor Murphy .

389  [paragraph] Murphy Murphy Councilor Murphy - Mr. President {^ive} going to ask for {a^} cop positive of the legs {^ulation} I didn't see that {^es} asking us to take {a^} position on .

390  You can get that{.} .

391  [paragraph] [paragraph] Jackson {^ic} devil {^ly} get that{.} thank {,}you Councilor Murphy .

392  Councilor [President|Pressley] [paragraph] [President|Pressley] press thank {,}you Mr. President {Mr.-|}  I {^us} want to die {^s}{a^} for putting this forward and thank Councilor Jackson nor bring {^ing} this to the bod [TKEUFPLT] {^s}{a^} {&s} has been character rise {^ed} it's legs {^ulation} where it puts the focus where I think it needs to be prevention and treatment instead of I prosecution and {in^} [KORGS] regulation its [AETS] [KPRE] hen {^ive} and [THOULT] full legs {^ulation} {:} we [TKAURPBT] {^ly} have mass {in^} [KARGS] regulation and {im^} not sure that we're any safer .

393  It's legs {^ulation} that {en^} sure we're really addressing the route cues {^s} antic {^ry} {^ly} for those long dine [EUPBL] addiction and trauma and again {in^} [SRAOES] {^ing} {re^} source {^ance} yob yell .

394  And training transition {^inal} job place .

395  {,} reducing low level fell niece and {re^} peeling minimum drug sen sustains {^s} .

396  So those are {^us} some of the top lines but I think [SAEUPBG] sen sen Jane [STKWRAEUPB] dee dee for her lead [TKER] ship and thank Councilor jack [SKWR-BG] [TPROR] [TPWHREUPBG] before the [TKPWAOEUPBD] look forward to the voting the affirmative .

397  [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor [President|Pressley] .

398  Councilor will be in recess {:} {:} recess {:} {:} [STKPWR-FRPBLGTS] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] that marry will be [SEUPBT] to the committee on [STKPWHREUFRPBLGTSZ] back in session .

399  That will be [SAOEUPBDZ] to [SPEGS] committee on [PWHRAOBG] and [PWHRAT] lat pane [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] [paragraph] [STKPWR-FRPBLGTS] Councilor back back Jackson order nor hearing tow rue you {in^} {^ish} {^ive} to rye [TKPHRAOPB] [WREUL] vile vile [STKPWHROFRPBLGTS] thank {,}you very much {,} Mr. President Mr. President .

400  About {a^} week and some change ago we all saw {,} I think {,} some of the mows disparaging and you discussing foot teenage {^ive} seen in my life .

401  That of {a^} [-7] year old being shot on boat boat Jen {,} and that neighborhood .

402  So this is obviously {^ly} {a^} issue we all care about and we all [2K3WR578D] which and I know Councilor Murphy {^s}{a^} the chair of public safety {^ity} has grappled with this for .

403  I years and .

404  I folks on this Councilor have [THOUT] about ways to deal with this .

405  One of my [STPRUS] transportation {^s} is that we currently -- we now have [TP-FT] {^ity} folks in the street work {er^} program {,} I want to give [THOEUPL] some {re^} source {^s} {,} and {^ed to} {,} Mr. President Mr. President .

406  The eye dee that {im^} pretty putting forward is pretty {^ity} radical .

407  In rich considered {^mont} cal cal they've come forward with {a^} program that youse {^s} big data to I'd .

408  We've actually done this with our packet program .

409  About hundred young men [HOR] mows likely to shut or be shoot in the infection six [PHOPBTS] .

410  .

411  Question is how do we give them {re^} souse {^s} .

412  And in rich Mondays cal cal they were the ninety mows dangerous city .

413  They've [1-7] [-6] people with [4-7] killed so they're about {a^} six the of our size so that you would put us at about [250] [PHUR] [TKERS] that would frit much be at the rate of [PWAULT] Moore [WEUS] {a^} comparable city .

414  That they did is actually {^s}{a^} they {en^} [TKPWAEUPBLGDZ] these young men in this the day and age we're living is poor and home less and mows of them are hopeless right now and [STHROE] program and rat cal {^s}{a^} peck of the program is that they actually pay them to stay on track .

415  They pay them [3] hundred to {a^} thousand dollars to {a^} {^mont} to follow the life map profession {^inal} goals that could be getting {a^} go{.} {&E.} #M{.} or certificate or what they've actually found in [HREUS] again cal cal is they went down to {a^} year where in evidence nine [PHRUR] [TKERS] .

416  So looking at where we were at we were down in terms of [PHUR] [TKERS] in the city of Boston but we're up in terms of shoot {^s} .

417  But this is not only the neighborhood that I rep .

418  Every {^ry} single strict Councilor and therefore Councilor [SHRORS] at large have to deal with .

419  I of these {^ish} shoes [-FPLTS] I think we need to look at the facts that we spends six {^ity} million{}dollars in please over time .

420  [35] million{}dollars budge dead is and additional [25] [PH-L] that we'll probably spends and really think about {a^} suss sustain [TPHABL] way to deal with these young pollen .

421  We've youse {^ed} the mon tra of putting [THEPLZ] quarantine [WEUS] essentially jail .

422  Question is how do we begin to inoculate some of these young men from the vile lens they're participating in .

423  It's radical .

424  And to me its a {a^} approach that we should {ex-^} [PHRAOR] in the City Of Boston .

425  Wire yes down from [WHEU] I was {a^} kid and we need to do Moore to provide {re^} source {^s} {,} real {re^} source {^s to} help these folks {^s}{a^} they get out and also {^s}{a^} that he walk the streets .

426  So I look forward to {a^} hearing on this model and what Moore that week all [TKPO] in our day-to-day life [THO] make sure we protect refer {^ry} single young person and not so young [PERPBLG] {&e} person in the street in the City Of Boston .

427  Thank you very much .

428  [paragraph] yak Yancy Yancy thank you {,}you very much {,} Mr. President .

429  I'd like to [KPHOEPBLDZ] strict [STEUT] Councilor Roxbury and ask that my name be added .

430  Mr. President Mr. President {,} I belief that's issue of vile vile plague in the City Of Boston is {a^} imaginable problem .

431  [PU] heard our colleague arctic calculate how Boston is doggerel {^tive} to some other small [PHER] communities but Boston has {a^} significant budget and significant {re^} source {^s} in terms of medical institution {^s} and academic institution {^s} and I belief {^s}{a^} [TKPO] mows of our colleagues is that vile lens is {a^} public [HELT] [KPHEURB] ew .

432  So I would certainly {^ly} look forward to this tick hearing and hopeful {^ly} at this hearing week learn what strat guys are being [KOPBL] template Ted by the [KPHRAO*ES] [PHREPT] [PHREPT] and perhaps public [HELT] to address the Jen {^ener} Rick issue of vile lens in the [SEUFPBLT] Boston is in {a^} strat teak [SKWREUPBLG] location in terms of its position and national and {inter^} national media{.} I belief we'll be saving [HRAOEUFGS] not only within our own city but within other sit 'tis [ARPBDZ] the country and I look forward to the hearing and ask that my name be added .


434  January Jahns O'Malley press Wu Zakim [paragraph] money [HREUBLG] [SRAEUFT] {^ity} [STKPWHRA] madam clerk personnel orders {,} please .

435  [0] [-9] [-6] [4-6789] Councilor lip Lynn for Councilor Murphy [paragraph] Councilor Murphy [PHAOFS] suss suspension of the rules {^age} package ever docket [0] [-9] [-6] [4] .

436  All opposed nay [AOFPLT] [0] [-9] [-6] [4] has passed [paragraph] docket [0] [-9] [-6] five .

437  {!} Councilor Murphy [PHAOFS] [SPEUPBGS] of the rules {^age} package of dock [TKPOBG] [0] [-9] [-6] [4] .

438  {:} nigh the Ayes have it {^ant} docket [0] is passed [paragraph] okay dock number [0] [-9] [-6] [-6] .

439  Councilor Zakim [PHAOFS] [SPEUPBGS] of the rules {^age} package of [0] [09] [-6] [-6] [AUFRPLTS] those in favor say Aye eye have ton dock [0] [-9] [-6] [-6] [-6] is passed [paragraph] docket number [0] [-9] [-67] Councilor Lynn for Councilor [SAEUFPBLGT] [paragraph] Councilor suss suspension [-FRPT] rules {^age} package - - [-6] [078] [STKPHRAUPBTS] [*FRPBLGTS] say were pose those {^ed} ice visit it {^ant} dock [0] [-9] [-67] has passed [paragraph] dock nom [09] [-689] [-6789] counselor Zakim [PHAOFS] [SPEUBGS] off the rules {^age} package of [069] [3-69] [STHAOFRPLTS] I eye pie may Ayes have to [AOPBTS] docket [0] [-9] [-68] has passed [paragraph] docket [0] [-9] [-69] - Councilor Linehan Councilor [PHAUR] [PHUR] [PHAOFS] [SPEUPBGS] .

440  Rules {^age} package of [0] [-9] [-69] all in favor sty eye .

441  Ail [POEFRPBLTS] viewers docket [0] the [09] [-69] has passed .

442  [paragraph] dock [TKPOBG] [0] [-9] [-7] [0] Councilor Linehan for Councilor [-FRPBLTS] suss [SPEUPBGS] off the rules {^age} [0] [09] [-7] [06789] all that favor say Aye .

443  All oppose {^ed} my ice [R-TS] have to [0] [-9] [-7] [0] has pass {^ed} [STKPWHR-RPBLGTS] [12K3W4REU6R7B8G9SZ] {im^} informed by the clerk that there are had late filed matters .

444  And absence of objection will be added to today's agenda .

445  [paragraph] here no objections being {,} the matters are so added .

446  Clerk will reed the first laid filed marry .

447  [paragraph] Councilor [PWHREUL] Linehan for Councilor Jackson - [PHAOFS] suss [SPERPBGS] [-RPLT] rules {^age} package of the first laid filed marry .

448  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSDZ] {^ize} have it {^age} first laid filed mass has - Councilor plain main for Councilor Jackson [-FRPLTSZ] [PHAOFS] suss suspension [-FRPT] rules and package of the second late file marry .

449  [paragraph] vice to on the and the second late file marry has passed [paragraph] Councilor Linehan for Councilor {^ian} Yancy [paragraph] Councilor Yancy [PHAOFS] [SPEUPBGS] .

450  Rules {^age} package of the third late file marry .

451  All nose fa paver say Aye .

452  Ol' posed nay [AOFPLT] .

453  Advice third late filed marry has pass {^ed} [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] mad clerk clerk please [RAOETD] forty late filed marry {!} Boston city Councilor Steve [STHAOEF] [SKWR-FPLT] Murphy sit city Councilor at large large .

454  Deer mad Ma clerk clerk .

455  Please find attached here to {a^} [HROERP] from the Boston please department regarding the notification {ab^} certain [KWAOEURPLTS] are we respect awarding of the above mentioned grants .

456  Of the boss tons please [TKPEPT] will receive [24] [2-6] thousand five hundred and fifty [-8] {^ed} of the financial year [15] Ed [SKWR-FPLT] burn burn justice systems local law enforce .

457  [TKPWRAPBLTS] program known has jag from the U.S. department department of justice .

458  {^s}{a^} you'll note .

459  {^s}{a^} {a^} [PRAOE] requisite to the application process {,} the Boston please department muss provide {a^} copy of the proposed [SPEUPBD] {^ing} plan for the local body of government .

460  {^s}{a^} such please finds {a^} copy of the same .

461  It's important to note that once the jag grant is awarded .

462  Councilor will have {a^} additional opportunity to review and discuss the [SPEUPBD] {^ing} plan at the requisite accept and expend hearing that'll be [HELTD] by the commit at the on public safety {^ity} .

463  Thank you for you're attention to this matter {:} since certainly [PHREU] Steve [SKWR-FPLT] [PHRUR] [PHUR] chair on the [KPHAOEUT] tone public safety [TEUFPLT] [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] Councilor Murphy you ever the floor .

464  [paragraph] [THAEUPLG] I you Mr. President Mr. President .

465  Ed burn burn member member jag program is {a^} federal program that a which the Boston please department applies for every {^ry} year but before they can apply they muss received or send {a^} learn and did I scribe what it's what they're {a^} [PHRAORG] {:} [THORLT] which [HAPSD] to be the Boston city Councilor in this case {:} so in order for us {^ing to} forward with the propose Sal to get this [4] hundred and fifty thousand dollars federal grant {,} the city Councilor has to be note {^ified} before hand {:} {^s that} what this is {:} {:} once we're awarded the mon any {,} it'll come back and we'll have {a^} public hearing [OPBTS] marry and the Councilor [SHRORS] will be available or available to ask questions and get all of there concerns [AEURD] tat .

466  But this is {^us} {a^} hurting [-L] that's boss on this please department needs to get over in the application process and we're trying to facilitate matters here toward that ends {:} thank {,}you Mr. President [PHR-PLT] .

467  [paragraph] thank {,}you Councilor Murphy .

468  [TKPOS] [-FRB] have {a^} copy of this .

469  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] I belief so .

470  [STKPWHRAEFRPBLGTS] they were {&e} then they're dually note Ted .

471  [STKPWHRAFRPBLGTS] laid file marry [paragraph] - [paragraph] [paragraph] place placed on file [paragraph] that {^ler} lab placed on file .

472  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] know take {^*ers} on [SKPWHRAOEPBS] [-FPLTS] [STKPWHRO] [STKPWHR*FRPBLGTS] [paragraph] there are [-7] late filed marry [PHAERPLTS] Connolly {a^} Jen [TKAFPLT] hearing and hearing know appeal {ambi^} [EFRPLTS] added the chair [PHAOFS] {a^} [TKEPBGS] off the an do con {a^} Jen [TKAFRPLT] all nose [TPHAFR] Fay eye all oppose merchandise nigh the [TKOFRPB] con agenda has been adopt Ted .

473  [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] at this time you id aide ask all guests and all members to please rise {^s}{a^} the Councilor prepares to add [SKWRAOURPB] today's meeting in the memory of the following individual I have a individuals .

474  [linebreak] for Councilor Baker {:} George MacIntyre and mar that carbon any .

475  For Councilor Ciommo {,} and none any Sal [SRAOURB] [SHEU] .

476  For Councilor LaMattina .

477  Oscar poi lan any .

478  Len any [PHER] rule low {,} Joseph pep pi and James kilo lain .

479  For Councilor Linehan and Flaherty Steve [PH-FPLT] [TKOUG] blues .

480  For Councilor [PHRUR] [PHUR] dee meet try much [PHAOERB] I can chit any .

481  For Councilor O'Malley .

482  [PHRO] James consumption .

483  [SKWROES] fever {&e} even if [TP-FPLT] {a^} carbon {^ity} .

484  Pat trick Kelly .

485  Eleanor seb bless ski .

486  Mildred [R-FPLT] scarce daily .

487  For Councilor [President|Pressley] .

488  For {^ress} chip ward .

489  For Councilor Yancy {,} [OL] {^ly} may dick {er^} son {:} lore mean middle done .

490  {a^} moment of [SAOEUL] lens {,} please .


492  The chair [PHAOFS] when the Councilor adjourns {^ed to} it does so in memory of the {a^} for mentioned individuals and scheduled to meet against on Wednesday June June tent at [12] noon .

493  All those nose Mies {e^} mows {^ed} [TPHAOFRPLD] Councilor is so {a^} adjourned {:} {:} [paragraph] [paragraph] over over {:} {:} [1] {,} [2] [-6] {:} {:} [1] [2] [-6] [P-FPLT] [PH-FPLT] {:} {:} {:} {:} [paragraph] over over {:} {:} [STKPWHR-FRPBLGTSZ] STKPWHR-FRPBLGTS

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